Hi - I've been really impressed by the details you all have given other people and it seems like I will get the best info by sharing my specific situation.
I literally know nothing about audio/visual (aside from being in the AV club in the 7th grade, which just seemed to involve rolling a TV cart to classrooms) and have been listening to music on a Jambox Jawbone and my phone for a few years (to give you an idea of my low level of entry!).
I just decided to turn my backroom into a space to stream some live concerts - they are broadcast in stereo - they usually sound really clear, and only stop a few times to buffer during the whole show. I have a ViewSonic PJD5134 projector that I'm going to be using - now I need help with the sound.
The room is 11x18 - it's actually 11x20 but the 'wall' I want to project on has a 2' deep full wall of shelves covered with white curtains (going to try this for projection with the understanding that I might need to buy a screen). Hardwood floors but half of the room is covered with a rug and there's a big couch so it's not echo-y.
I THINK I need to buy a receiver, a subwoofer, and 2 speakers (fairly good sized ones, so it'll sound like the music is coming from the "stage") to start. If I can get all that for $500, I'll be really happy, but I don't know if that's feasible.
Secondarily, we will use the room to stream stuff from Netflix/Amazon. I think that means eventually, we would get a 5.1 or 7.1 system, but I don't know if it's worth it to think about that too much right now because I really want it to be LOUD for the concerts and I only have so much money. But I definitely want the receiver to be able to handle a 5.1 system as well as just stereo.
We are planning to run the video by hooking up to a laptop (HDMI) or Apple TV (we have been using an Ipad->Apple TV to watch the shows so far). And the concerts are Phish
if that helps advise your advice.
So, I'm looking for pointers on anything I might not be considering, and most of all recommendations for models in my price range.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me!