Could this plate amp really do 400W RMS??



Audioholic Intern
I'm replacing a blown cap on a plate amp that I got (for free) off an "Acoustic Audio HD-sub12" subwoofer. I'm no electronics wiz, but I can read the side of a capacitor and I can solder...

The vendor claims 400W RMS and 800W peak. The amp does perform reasonably I suppose, but I don't really have anything to compare it to.

While replacing the capacitor, I decided to research the chip. The code on it is TDA7264 (datasheets are all over the net). To me it looks like this chip can't go over 50W RMS (@ 8 ohms), but I really don't know what I'm looking at. And I don't know whether the sub vendors claim is for 8 ohms or 4 (but I think it's 4).

Also, I've heard that the narrower bandwidth (20 - 240 hz or so) increases the power rating for an amplifier. But again, I have no idea how that works or whether it's a true statement.

Can you guys help an ignorant noob and see whether this amp can perform as claimed? Thanks!!

By the way... I posted the same question at Hometheatershack, but haven't received a reply yet. I don't like double posting, but I figured this one may be tough to answer.


Audioholic Intern
Hmm... Looks like this may be the wrong place....

Anyone have a suggestion as to where I could find some answers concerning the TDA7264 chip? I found a few sites that discuss the technical aspects of it, but they're way over my head.

My hope is that, when integrated into a sub amp this thing can churn out well in excess of 50 watts RMS . I'm planning to build a little box to stick it in, but I don't want to go to the effort if it's weaksauce.


Audioholic Ninja
That chip sounds like some sort of early stage opamp or something. You're probably not looking at the right amplifier module.


Audioholic Intern
Thanks! That is entirely possible... I'll do some more checking.


Full Audioholic
The output is probably a discrete transistor or FET (probably one or more per channel) and would most likely be mounted to a heat sink and be close to the end of the audio signal path-that might help you locate it. Good luck

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