Heat is the number one killer of A/V components in my experience.
Cabinetmakers are also completely clueless of this as a reality... in my experience (not opinion).
WAF aside, you must take very serious personal action and involvement about the cooling of gear in your furniture... If you are paying your $$$ for this and you care about your $$$ then it may cost a bit more to do it right, but the final results can be excellent.
The advice above was dead on, but remember that if you can't go with fabric or an open back then fans must be used - and they must lead to open spaces. You can't feed from one uncirculating environment to another environment and hope for much. You have to have open passages of airflow and a fair amount of additional consideration..
ie: Heat rises, and airflow will follow the path of least resistance.
The first part people get, but it means that you want ventilation holes and pathways at or near the very top of where the equipment will be housed.
The second part is more interesting because it means that you must feed air through the rack in a way that encourages all air to go up and out of the rack. If, for example, you put two holes at the TOP of your rack - one for pushing air in, the other for pulling air out... Well, you would put a couple of fans in, and instead of circulating the air, it would push the air straight across the top of the rack and effectively trap all the hot air in the rack itself.
Take a look here: