Cool Clock!
This is a different way to display time on the green time line. It's
a really interesting clock! It comes from a Dutch web site. Here is
what you will see when you look at this clock:
Don't do anything. It's automatically adjusted to your time zone.
Just look at it and study it. It gives you the EXACT TIME of the DAY
in seconds, minutes, hours, the day, month and year.
Just read the green line. Everything's there. Study it for a few
seconds and it will all become clear to you.
Remember these definitions:
1st Line is Seconds
2nd Line is Minutes
3rd line is Hours.
4th Line is Days
5th Line is Months
6th Line is Years
This is the COOLEST clock I have seen yet!!
Peace, and Serinity, Let the laws of mathematics work,
Forest Man