Yep, definitely planning on retiring the mini-system at that point. See, what happened was that I had gotten 2 Klipsch B-2's for Christmas along with this receiver which came with 2 free Pioneer bookshelf speakers. The plan was to use the two Klipsch's for the fronts, the 2 Pioneers for the rears. Well, the Mitsubishi HD1000U dropped to $900 right after those Klipsch's were bought. So instead those were returned and I got the HD1000U for Christmas (along with spending most of my money on it.) So now I have the projector connected to the receiver via component, the PS2, Xbox 360, and STB all go through the receiver via component and optical audio (STB is Coaxial). So now I have it so that the receiver uses the 2 free Pioneer bookshelf speakers as rears (connected directly to the receiver) and for the two front speakers I use the pre-outs to the mini-system which uses the mini-system's 2 speakers as the fronts. No center for now and the mini-system's 2 speakers have subwoofers that are putting out enough bass for now to not need a subwoofer. Obviously this is a horrible cobbled together setup, but I still need the receiver for component switching, etc. I am just trying to grasp whether there is a better way to get these hooked up for now, but since it works as it is and there's no problems when I just leave the mini-system on 24/7 then I'll just leave it as is.
This leads to two new questions though. Once I get the cash, I am planning on buying two Klipsch RF-52's. Anyone who has these or has heard these in a home environment, is the bass enough where you won't need a subwoofer for awhile? Also, I was told before that having a center channel isn't really very important since the receiver can "fix" any problems associated with not having one, is this true? The problem I have is that I don't have a consistent cash flow so I have to buy two speakers at a time, so I'm planning to go the RF-52's, RC-52 then the RS-42 surrounds and finally a subwoofer.