Yes, you would connect to the 'sub in' on that sub. That input is a 'low level' aka 'line level' input.
Note that 'high-level' inputs are also known as 'speaker level' inputs. You would only use them if your receiver did not have a subwoofer pre-out jack. You run speaker wire from the receiver's front left/right speaker terminals to the high level input on the sub and then from the sub's high level output to the front speakers. The signal the sub receives in that case has already been amplified whereas with the line level input it is a very low level signal that the sub must amplify itself.
One other consideration though is whether or not to use the crossover on the sub or in the receiver. Normally you want the receiver to do all bass management (speaker size Small, Xover=80Hz) so you'd want to disable the built in xover on the sub. It's hard to tell from the picture but there is something that says 'crossover in/out'. If that is a switch, you want to set it to out as I assume 'out' means the sub's xover is not active. If you leave it in the 'in' position, turn the xover dial on the sub all the way up so that you do not have two xovers acting on the signal (one from the sub itself and the one in the receiver).