The other day I noticed a very slight hum from my subwoofer, it was so slight that you had to put the gain on my svs pc plus subwoofer near to the max to hear it barely.
Nevertheless for a while I was kind of checking to see what the problem was. First I swamped outlets which didn't help and neither did disconnecting coax input from my computer- which I hardly use because I use the x-fi elite pro.
It turns out that it had to do something with my yamaha rx-v2600 because only when I turned it on did the problem occur. But then I noticed throughout my searching that one time it stopped, it was kinda by accident for I accidently unplugged my monitor or something and my receiver had to be on.
Truth of the matter was that when my computer monitor was displayed through the dvi input or swtiched to vga the problem would occur. For some odd reason even component input wouldn't cause the problem although there may still have been a slight hum, s-video and composite would be fine.
When I disconnected the component video cable from my receiver to my dell monitor it went away but guess what?
I had to remove all 3 cables- it was the green one, on the yamaha rx-v2600 that finally stopped the hum when removed?
This is very strange, I know people have talked about the cable tv rf plugs, but how could component video output on the yamaha cause humming and only if I turn on my computer monitor, Im glad its over but questions linger and I can't use my yamaha gui over component and Im not sure if hooking up s-video or composite would let me do so without causing the hum.
Note that as long as component video is hooked up to the yamaha's "monitor out" it gives a hum when my dell monitor is turned on to its computer outputs(dvi and vga-dsub).
This is very strange but right now I am only using my receiver as just a plain amplifer connected to my x-fi' with multi-channel in. ypao doesnt seem to work correctly and always says my subwoofer has an error in gain, and it sets my center to "large"- even though I turn up my subwoofer to max gain it doesnt sound as loud as the test tones.
I really need input to this problem, as far as I know yamaha is outputting component signals so why would my svs subwoofer do this when no sound is playing?