Connect up two M&K 4 ohm center channel spreakers?



I have an Onkyo TX-NR809 Receiver and 6 M&K S1B satellites, 2 M&K powered subs and a S125C center speaker. I use a panasonic DVD player for my cds and DVD's. I also have a 65" Panasonic plasma for the TV. I use this set up for my listening and home theater room. I recently picked up a M&K 750 THX MKII center channel speaker for a song.

Can I or how physically do I wire both M&K center channel speakers, both 4 ohm speakers, to a receiver that likes 8 ohm but has a 4 ohm option? I remember something about getting too low of an ohm load and hurting the amp.

Sorry, I don't know the math regarding putting multiple speakers together to figure out the resulting ohm load.......I am old enough to remember the "double Advent" systems of the 70's......and two advents sounded better than singles back then! Life was much more simple....

Thanks much,



Audioholic Warlord
You can't bi-amp the center with your receiver which would have enabled you to connect two centers (not sure why you'd want to). You could bi-wire it, but that would probably be overtaxing the amp. If you're driving the speakers at a moderate to loud volume, you may want to consider an external amp for the front L/R or 3 channel for front 3. I know theres a setting on my 3009 where you can set what ohm load your speakers are, you may be able to do that with the 809, not sure.

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