Here is the problem...
I have my computer and sub on one outlet and my HTS setup on another.
When I try to turn the computer on, it does not work. Usually it takes about 3-5 minutes before it will come on.
My HTS setup seems to be fine. I have the Westinghouse 42", TiVo Series 3, Motorola Cable modem, Linksys 54g, Xbox, and a Western digital external hard drive plugged in to a Monster 3600. According to the display on the Monster I seems to set at 115v and for periods I will hit 120v. If everything is off, then the Monster displays 120v on the read out.
I thought about getting a UPS with AVR for the computer and hopefully is would keep the computer and sub at 120v.
I got the Monster 3600 for $199. I have been looking at HTS power equipment but I do not what to spend 1000s on a power supply. Does any one have some recommendations.