Well here's a dilema for you guys to stew over. I live in military housing (factory built units during the cold war, straaaange wiring conventions), which means I cannot in any way modify the electrical system. Now I have a mixture of both two and three-prong outlets throughout the house, and I simply brushed it off that only certain circuits were updated with an earth line at some point while others (IE switched runs) were left alone. Well, come to find out that the 3-prongs I Have are only connected to the 2-wire run and were installed merely for convenience by previous residents.
So... the question is raised.. just how important is ground to a small HT system (5.1 with a H/K receiver, nothing fancy)? If its quite important, is there a solution to creating a temporary ground line, or some sort of cap that can be wired to ground to readily absorb some discharge and dissipate it? Your advice is much appreciated!