einsteinjb & JohnD - Thanks for replying
I'm glad I returned the Bose system too. The only part of that system I liked the sound from was the "sub".
I wanted to spend somewhere in the order of $1000 to $1500 for the complete surround sound speakers/sub - including what I already spent on the sub and bookshelf speakers (but can return if needed - see below). I can go higher, which I'm happy to do for the right equipment, but will just have to acquire it in piece-meal throughout the year. Btw this system would be used for surround sound more than stereo listening - but looking for it to be dual purpose.
I'm also in a bit of a time crunch, as I'm hosting a significant reception/cocktail party in my home in about 10 days and need to have something in place for background music at least.
Feel free to suggest an alternative in the same price range, or slightly higher if I will be able to "hear" the difference.
JohnD - Yes you are helping, not confusing.
Funny you should point this out...
I'm a newbie in the audio world and don't really understand freq response/range,crossover, etc very well. But I'm having trouble getting the correct amount of base. I have experimented with different cross-over settings and found that I have to turn it up really high, but just as you say the sub is very noticeable now. At the moment I have the recv set to the max (200).
JohnD - If I go with Paradigm - which model would you suggest that I demo for front and center?
I should probably list my other equipment:
- Yamaha HTR-5990 7.1 Receiver -120W min RMS x7
- Yamaha DVD-C750 DVD/SACD (less than 30 days old and very happy with)
- Paradigm Cinema 90 bookshelf speakers (less than 30 days old - most likely will exchange, but for what? - or keep for surround sound speakers)
- Paradigm PDR Sub (less than 30 days old - so far happy with and planning on keeping)
- Paradigm CS-150 in-wall speakers (less than 30 days old - plan to install in dining room for background music)
- Bose AM4, Bose Model 100 (old speakers)
Your comments and suggestion are very much appreciated.