Specifically which speakers are you talking about, both Krell and Polk? Sometimes if you post the models we might find more information. As much as we would love to talk about impedance like it's a single number, it changes with frequency. I quickly found a review of the Krell LAT-1000 speaker that mentions the fact that even though the spec is 4 ohms, there is an impedance dip at 1KHz to 2 ohms.
Agreed with Grador about the mismatch between your C and L/R, though. For movies, the ideal is identical LCR speakers that can work together to create a homogenous front soundfield. Having different C speakers significantly hampers that.
You also might consider keeping the Polk setup for movies, and switch to the Krells for two-channel music. Another option, if your AVR has preamp outputs, is an external power amp for the Krells. The Emotiva stuff is about the best deal in history...