Back in the 80's? Heck in the 70's, when I was 12, I signed up with Columbia record and tape club. I fell for the lure of seven 8 track tapes for a penny deal. I got screwed and learned a lesson.
Then later in college while I was living in a fraternity, we got the bright idea that we would "sign" up for every one of the "special" club deals we could...Using aliases of course!
Over the next several weeks and months we had new books, CD's, tapes, etc delivered to the frat house. Then the collection notices came...Then finally a series of collection agents came to the door looking for Mr. Bobby Butcheease, Mrs. Megan Fartzalot, Suzzy Wrotencrotch, and others. Needless to say the look on the collectors face as they realized who they were looking for was priceless!