Hey everyone, after eyeing hifi speakers my entire life, I have finally saved up my extra money from work for the past few years to afford my new system.
I know that this is a long read, but if you have the time, this would be SO much to me—I am a college student and need to be very careful about where I spend the money that I have saved away for my audio equipment, but I lack the knowledge/experience that yall have. I spent several months researching speakers on this site and others, then testing them out at a local HiFi store. I ended up buying the following:
- front: B&W CM9s
- center: B&W CMC2
- rears: B&W CM1s
- SW: Epik Empire
- AVR: Denon 3313
First off, I am MORE than happy with the B&Ws. I love their warmth and precision, and they fit nicely with the music that I play. However, my huge concern is with the receiver. I'll start with saying that it definitely works just fine, and has all of the features that I need. However, I am fearing that it is lacking both the power (125W/channel, while CM9s are rated for 30W - 200W into 8Ω) and SQ that I might be able to get from separates. Regarding the first issue, I normally don't play music too loud, but I have known to go up to or a little over reference levels before when I have friends over (not near any neighbors). One time when I hit +10dB or so after 20 minutes of listening, it turned off. I don't know if it went into protect mode or what kind because I wasn't very informed at the time. It hasn't happened since then. Regarding the SQ, I know that separates would make it better...however, I do not have enough experience to know if an upgrade is justified because maybe what I have now is good enough for these speakers. For the record, I am 80% music (most of which is 2.1), and 20% HT.
I know that many would say to stick with this setup because I am happy with it and it works well. However, I am still in the trial period where I can switch my equipment out at the store for others. While I don't know what I am missing, it might be a better (and cheaper) idea to switch for separates now so that I'm not always wondering what I'm missing and while I can still use that money than do it in several years after my Denon has lost its value. I don't want to look back over my shoulder in two years after I've realized the mistake I made, knowing that it'd be much more expensive to fix it than it should have been.
So, my first question: is my hunch right that I am not quite getting everything out of these speakers? I'm ok with missing a little bit of soundstage, separation, SQ, etc., but if it's a whole different ballgame with separates, then should I switch? While money is obviously a consideration, I have no problem with budgeting my money for a few months and save money for work to pay for these parts. After all, I just paid so much for the speakers and SW, and now is the critical period where I can still adjust things with little financial loss.
Second question: which parts! I know that this is been debated to death (and I've read literally 100s of threads on this forum and others), so I will make this straight to the point. I am graduating from college in a semester, so moving every 2 years or so (plus space considerations) come into play. However, I can deal with that if it is truly worth it for my music. Additionally, I am not looking to spend large amounts of money. However, I do have this Denon that gives me about ~$1,100 in credit, so that would clearly help. Regarding the different companies and models: there are SO many different amps and preamps out there that I can't keep them all straight (from how they color music, to power requirements, to best bang for the buck, etc).
Specifically, I would be looking for an amp in the <$2,000 range at most, hopefully closer to the Denon's cost if anything. Is there even an amp that I'd be happy with at that price point? I am pretty low on the features that I need (only need 1 HDMI out, 1 zone, 5.1 (5.2 would be nice though), AudysseyXT or better or equiv; AirPlay and wake via network would be nice but are not even necessary). Is there anything worthwhile in this pricerange that would be worth the (albeit small) hassle of switching from this Denon?
Regarding amp, I am currently contemplating something like Emotiva's XPA-2 for fronts, then XPA-3 for everything else because I have read (overall) great things. However, I am still worried that I'm settling with this..but most reviews look great. I have also read about Wyred for Sound, but much less. I could also look into the 3rd party market, but again I have NO CLUE where to start (even after reading SO MANY threads that everything Google returns has been read for most queries). I am concerned that the Emotivas are not as musical as other amps (even ones that are somewhat similarly priced). What amp would yall recommend? Between the preamp and amp, I can probably spend roughly $3,000, with $4,000 being the ABSOLUTE max (if the quality of the components justify the price increase). Would I also need to get a DAC if I go the preamp/amp approach?
Finally, I have also considered adding just the Emotiva XPA-2 or another equivalent amp to my Denon since it has pre-outs. However, I figured it'd be smarter to just get separates while I can still exchange parts if I am already trying to boost what I already have. Is this a better idea than swapping for separates?
I am fine with buying used equipment. However, at least one of the two pieces would need to come from the store since that is where my credit is located.
As you can see, I do not know that much about different types of separates and which are the best, but I am trying really hard to learn (I love this community and the hifi world; this is absolutely my new life-long hobby). I know that it really depends on what suits MY preference and MY ears, but, unfortunately, I am new to the game and have to decide ASAP while I still am in this trial period. Obviously, I will try out any of these recommendations that fit and won't blindly buy something. If you made it this far, I TRULY appreciate your time and advice because I am here to learn and make the best setup that I can under my constraints. I know this was a long read, but I tried to include all of the details and concerns that I've had so that everything is on the table now. Finally, if anyone lives in Nashville and wants to show me their setup or discuss options or take me under their wing, let me know! I'm a really fast learner. If you have any other questions, please let me know!
Thank you SO much!