COD: MW2 - Best match ever stories



Senior Audioholic
(yeah, this is hardcore nerd stuff)

Just finished a Hardcore Team Deathmatch on Derail. Been on a good run today.....Last match:
I was on a team with a clan - at the start, they all dropped out....and somehow were never replaced....Leaving it just me vs. 6
My Loadout: FAL w/heartbeat
Claymore and flash
Ninja Pro

Results of match: Landslide victory for Team Hobo!!! 36 and 10

(by the way, those who aren't on my friend's list, my tag is "Nearly 50 Hobos"

Previous favorite moment:
again, Hardcore TDM. On Rundown.

Killed entire enemy team hiding in long sniper building with 2 thumper shots.
Hit 5 kill-streak and get my predator....whole team spawns together....immediately kill all 5 again with a single Predator missile.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I've had way to many fun matches in MW2 to remember many specifics. I've never had to go 1 on 6 though.

What platform do you play on? I play on PC.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Just got 25 and 0 HTDM in black ops. The match itself wasnt anything special though :p


Senior Audioholic
I play onxbox.

25 and 0 is impressive...does black ops have a nuke killstreak at 25?

(i think me scoring huge on a 1 v. match was easier win than with a team of idiots that just run around as bullet sponges)
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
I don't play COD but I have some CS screens I can share with yall :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
I play onxbox.

25 and 0 is impressive...does black ops have a nuke killstreak at 25?

(i think me scoring huge on a 1 v. match was easier win than with a team of idiots that just run around as bullet sponges)
haha, bullet sponges.

nah theres no nuke kill streak. max is at 11 I think.


Well got a game once 3 min into the game I can hear the chopper bloody cheats lol had to laugh.
But the hiding in the rock glitch was funny aswell before it got patched up


(yeah, this is hardcore nerd stuff)

Just finished a Hardcore Team Deathmatch on Derail. Been on a good run today.....Last match:
I was on a team with a clan - at the start, they all dropped out....and somehow were never replaced....Leaving it just me vs. 6
My Loadout: FAL w/heartbeat
Claymore and flash
Ninja Pro

Results of match: Landslide victory for Team Hobo!!! 36 and 10

(by the way, those who aren't on my friend's list, my tag is "Nearly 50 Hobos"

Previous favorite moment:
again, Hardcore TDM. On Rundown.

Killed entire enemy team hiding in long sniper building with 2 thumper shots.
Hit 5 kill-streak and get my predator....whole team spawns together....immediately kill all 5 again with a single Predator missile.
Lmoa chuck norris is pissing his pants after reading this lol.
Are you also one of those kenyan runners with super human speed running all over the place lol


Senior Audioholic
Lmoa chuck norris is pissing his pants after reading this lol.
Are you also one of those kenyan runners with super human speed running all over the place lol
Not a runner, I usually have 3 or 4 really good mid-range sniping spots per map, and make 2 kills, then move to the next spot.


Not a runner, I usually have 3 or 4 really good mid-range sniping spots per map, and make 2 kills, then move to the next spot.
a camper lol
When I'm not sniping I'm busy setting up claymore traps
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
This isn't MW2 but it's Black Ops. It's so easy to capture and edit video in BLOPS because of the theater. I've been messing around with Vegas. :)

(I'm Honey Mustard)

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