Clothing from China



Audioholic Ninja
I'm a big fan of Cole Haan shoes which I've traditionally bought as I find them extremely comfortable. I've always noticed that they had labels like "Made in UK", "Made in Italy", but my recent Christmas gift reads "Made in China". So how come the price is still the same? Does it really cost the same to make a coat in China as it does in Italy? Pisses me off... Looks like Cole Haan is yet another brand I can scratch from my list.


It probably costs them 1/5 as much when they move production to China.

Yet they still charge the same price. So Cole Haan is making 5 times as much profit than before.

What a brilliant move.


Senior Audioholic
I'm a big fan of Cole Haan shoes which I've traditionally bought as I find them extremely comfortable. I've always noticed that they had labels like "Made in UK", "Made in Italy", but my recent Christmas gift reads "Made in China". So how come the price is still the same? Does it really cost the same to make a coat in China as it does in Italy? Pisses me off... Looks like Cole Haan is yet another brand I can scratch from my list.
It's just one way to maximize profits and minimize costs. Blame the businessman!...:D:D


Audioholic Ninja
My point exactly. They're making more and more money based on their name alone. I'll simply not buy any of their products. But how many will continue to buy simply because it's Cole Haan. I get some of my shoes from a guy in Sardinia who has a shop near a beach. He has some of the best shoes. I'll continue to look for these types of people as they have a clue what quality is and charge a fair price.


Senior Audioholic
I've never bought Cole Haan, Chanel, Gucci, or any other highly regarded brand names for that matters. If i do own one, it must be a gift.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I've never bought Cole Haan, Chanel, Gucci, or any other highly regarded brand names for that matters. If i do own one, it must be a gift.
Neither have I. Sure, the quality may be good, but far too much of the price is based on the name alone.


Audioholic Overlord
It probably costs them 1/5 as much when they move production to China.

Yet they still charge the same price. So Cole Haan is making 5 times as much profit than before.

What a brilliant move.
Well they have to take into account their losses from rnatalli, who will no longer purchase or receive Cole Haan anymore.


Audioholic Ninja
Rest assured I've never paid retail for Cole Haan or bought from the store directly. At the store they'll sell for like $200, but you can find the same shoes for $50.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I have and will continue to pay for Cole Haan shoes (in fact I'm wearing a pair right now). Do I prefer to get them on sale or at the outlets- absolutely. But there are very few brands of shoes which I find comfortable and which look good (I wear a suit to work everyday, so that's important). I could care less where they are made... if a company can maximize its profits while still making a quality product then more power to them. If the quality starts to slip then I will reconsider.


Senior Audioholic
When you are buying cole haan shoes because you find them comfortable, then they are your better choice. But when you buy them solely because of their brandname sake..then you should reconsider your choice.


Audioholic Field Marshall
When you are buying cole haan shoes because you find them comfortable, then they are your better choice. But when you buy them solely because of their brandname sake..then you should reconsider your choice.
Absolutely. Although in my shoe buying experiences, many of the more expensive brand names- Johnston & Murphy, Bruno Magli, Ferragamo, etc. have also tended to be the most comfortable shoes!! It's all about finding the good deals and making a trip to the outlets every now and then.


Senior Audioholic happens to be pear audio cables brand?:D..hhahahaa....


Seriously, I have no life. happens to be pear audio cables brand?:D..hhahahaa....
That reminds me I need to check Randi's web site for the latest from that caper and the $1mil challenge.:D


Audioholic Ninja
Hey my Columbia Sportswear Ski Jacket (130.00) was made in VIETNAM!:eek: What do you think Columbia's profit margin is? ! 100%, 150%? Probably 200%. Also look at LL Bean and where they're being manufactured. We'll be speaking Mandarin in the next 20 years!:D


Trust me before long Cole Han will belong to a Chinese conglomerate. And I'm serious...


Hey my Columbia Sportswear Ski Jacket (130.00) was made in VIETNAM!:eek: What do you think Columbia's profit margin is? ! 100%, 150%? Probably 200%. Also look at LL Bean and where they're being manufactured. We'll be speaking Mandarin in the next 20 years!:D
And Indian...Hindi I meant.


Audioholic Ninja
I had to post in my old thread as I had another episode yesterday. My wife has a couple of gift cards for Banana Republic. Not our favorite store, but with gift cards, what can you do. We go into the store to be confronted by pants costing $130+. Where are they made? Almost everything in the store came from China, the Philippines, India, and Vietnam. I saw one sports jacket for $230. I can fly to NYC, go to Daffy's, find an Italian-made sports jacket, fly back to Boston, and still come in at under $230. Not that I'd do that, but could for the $230. What a joke, 99% of the store is for conditioned zombies.

I don't mind stuff being made in China or wherever, but don't charge me $230 for a sports jacket. Hell, with another $170 you can buy a b-stock Emotiva LPA-1 that weights 67 lbs!


Audioholic Warlord
Sorry, I missed that, I was to busy breaking in my new Made-In-China Nike's.


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