In moving my HT to another room in the house (see other posts), and I noticed all the gear I accumulated over the years and decided to post some for sale. Below please find a list of what's available and the price.
JVC DLA-G150CL D-ILA HDTV Projector $7000.00
Pico PCM55 Audio and Video Modulator $50.00
Sabine FBX-1020plus feedback Exterminator $300.00
Symetrix 422 Stereo AGC leveler $150.00
Symetrix 450 mixer $50.00
Biamp Systems CPA 130 Power Amplifier $300.00
TOA 900 Series P906A Power Amplifier $50.00
Crown Com-Tech CT400 Power Amplifier $100.00
Knox Proswitch Alpha 82 - 8 x 2 Audio Video Switcher $500.00
JBL Professional Control 28 Speakers (2 pairs) - $150.00 / pair
JBL Professional Control 5 - (1 pair) - $200.00
The projector is listed on another post, so please excuse the double posting.
Feel free to make me an offer if you feel something is not priced right.
Also, all prices don't include shipping which would be from Hollywood, Florida (33019).
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any interest. All offers will be considered.