I have been in the process of setting up a spare room dedicated to home theater. Of course, I chose the simple things first. I have the plasma 1080p. I have the blu-ray (ok, I'll probably have to add DVD-HD!?!). My speakers, well that's another post. I need power. Clean, responsive power from a usable product(s).
I've looked at the Monster (AVS2000 paired with HTS 5100MKII), the offerings from PS Audio (power plant premier) and given Panamax a quick overlook.
The problem is I am not an engineer (more creative, thus the plasma came first -- nice colors, great motion!). I realize that I need power protection, cleaning, balancing, etc. but, everybody seems to claim to have the latest and greatest technology but none give you everything your various components need. Digital equipment seems to love the power regenerator but heavy draw front end amps don't. I've already spent of 10K on the plasma, next are speakers (furniture is on it's way -- I may never leave the room!)
I would like to buy the right product for protection and performance for all my components with any eye toward being able to use it for all the other upgrades soon to come. I know it's not a good idea to place this much equipment on surge protectors. But beyond that the marketing is too confusing for me to follow.
If you needed to protect, amps, receivers, plasma, bd-dvd, and get the best performance possible from all -- is there a solution? is it two solutions?
Many thanks in advance for anyone who can help me cut through the marketing maze!