Well if the smart functions of that TV work as well as those in my panasonic, you might want to keep that chromecast around...
Two years ago I would have agreed with you. I purchased a Samsung stand-alone Blu-ray player with the Smart Hub software and it was the worst imaginable; constant lock-up's, firmware updates every month it seemed and I gave up on it.

I gave the player away to my daughter who was going to use it just for playing DVD's.
Flash forward to last week and my wife comes home to tell me that there was a nice 40" Samsung LED ($500) on sale at Costco which would be perfect for the office. I've been looking for a while to replace my old 26" Samsung LCD, which has done yeoman's work for us the last 6 years without a hiccup but no streaming video feature; the main reason I purchased the Chromecast unit. I was very leery of purchasing it because of the Smart Hub interface but figured what the hell, maybe they worked out the kinks in the software and Costco has a very generous return policy. Knock on wood, it's working like a charm. Not a single issue to date; granted it's only been a week. But the old DVD player was crap from the get-go so I'm encouraged. Another reason I have faith in this unit is that the Smart Hub software has definitely been changed. In fact the Netflix interface is exactly like my Oppo BDP-105 has. Did they farm out the code on the software, did Oppo or Netflix provide it or another third party vendor; not a clue. Some of the more knowledgeable folks around here might know. All I know is it works and I couldn't be happier.