China Offers Glimpse into Space Program

There was an AP article released today that told of how China, the potentially next big space power, allowed a rare peek into its top-secret launch center on Wednesday. As everyone knows, China's space program is funded under a military budget and represents an interesting quandary for the current space powers that be. It was the first time China let foreigners enter (though officials apparently forbade photographs of the command-and-control center or the mammoth assembly hall where they build the spacecraft.)

The interesting internal dillemma as I see it is going to be the tension between China's obvious desire to flex its military muscle (and keep its space progress private), and the irrisistible temptation to market the new achievements to further China's growing economic economy and stature. Reading the descriptions of the complex, the Chinese launch facility is so reminiscent of the 1960's Kennedy facilities and Port Canveral it's almost uncanny:

Jiuquan emerges as a heavily irrigated oasis of greenery amid the spartan Gobi Desert (substitute Florida swamps), with lush lawns and shady trees. The center's Dongfeng Aerospace City — home to 150,000 people, mostly scientists and their families — is a self-contained community complete with bank, post office, movie theater, swimming center and fast food.

Of course, this has nothing to do with home theater - but let's face it - space races are cool and China getting into the game may only serve to increase technology abroad as well... and who knows where that may lead.

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Rip Van Woofer

Rip Van Woofer

Audioholic General
Of course it has something to do with home theater. It's only a matter of time before they produce an IMAX space flight documentary! :D

Hmm...some likely titles...

"Red Star In The Heavens"

"With Six You Get Spacewalk"


Seriously, I have no life.
hawke said:
There was an AP article released today that told of how China, the potentially next big space power, allowed a rare peek into its top-secret launch center on Wednesday. As everyone knows, China's space program is funded under a military budget and represents an interesting quandary for the current space powers that be. It was the first time China let foreigners enter (though officials apparently forbade photographs of the command-and-control center or the mammoth assembly hall where they build the spacecraft.)

The interesting internal dillemma as I see it is going to be the tension between China's obvious desire to flex its military muscle (and keep its space progress private), and the irrisistible temptation to market the new achievements to further China's growing economic economy and stature. Reading the descriptions of the complex, the Chinese launch facility is so reminiscent of the 1960's Kennedy facilities and Port Canveral it's almost uncanny:

Jiuquan emerges as a heavily irrigated oasis of greenery amid the spartan Gobi Desert (substitute Florida swamps), with lush lawns and shady trees. The center's Dongfeng Aerospace City — home to 150,000 people, mostly scientists and their families — is a self-contained community complete with bank, post office, movie theater, swimming center and fast food.

Of course, this has nothing to do with home theater - but let's face it - space races are cool and China getting into the game may only serve to increase technology abroad as well... and who knows where that may lead.

Read the AP Report

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I wonder if our huge trade deficit with China is funding them becoming a super power in space and military? What did Kruschev say? We will sell the rope they will hang us by? Maybe he was really thinking about China. :rolleyes:


Audioholic General
None of you have to worry much as you are all far away, on the contrary,we in India being China's neighbors are the ones on the receiving end and we have borne the brunt once when China attacked us in 1962.


Seriously, I have no life.
Yamahaluver said:
None of you have to worry much as you are all far away, on the contrary,we in India being China's neighbors are the ones on the receiving end and we have borne the brunt once when China attacked us in 1962.

My Asian history is rusty :D

Today, with ICBMs we are all in the neighborhood. You remember the cold war?

And, why should we be funding their super power status? Oh, because some here are making a fortune off it? :mad:


Senior Audioholic
Yamahaluver said:
None of you have to worry much as you are all far away, on the contrary,we in India being China's neighbors are the ones on the receiving end and we have borne the brunt once when China attacked us in 1962.

If I recall my oriental history. China has never had much of a quality army. India smacked them around in 62, Viet Nam kick their a$$es in 77, Taiwan worries, but not because they have an army. China has always been an afterthought militarily, yeah they have ICBMs, but I would worry more about the ones that are not targetted at me.


Audioholic General
Mudcat said:
If I recall my oriental history. China has never had much of a quality army. India smacked them around in 62, Viet Nam kick their a$$es in 77, Taiwan worries, but not because they have an army. China has always been an afterthought militarily, yeah they have ICBMs, but I would worry more about the ones that are not targetted at me.


Thanks for the word of confidence but it was the other way around, we were unprepared and under-staffed and they smacked us, and smacked us bad. It was one Indian battalion against 10 Chinese so the odds were stacked up against us from the start.

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