Fairness is the latest in-vogue excuse for raising taxes, focusing on "the rich", where being rich is defined as anyone who is seen as having disposable income. People with home internet service and computers are rich enough to tax. Have you looked closely at your cable bill lately? Or perhaps your local wealth tax, err, property tax bill. Most of these have numerous little fees and surtaxes and other BS added in.
In Chicago, out of a $3.7B budget, over $500M of it goes to pay for pensions, and that's an underpayment. I just read that to fully fund pensions it would $900M+ in 2016, or more than a quarter of the city's budget. Of course, it's hard to get all concerned about it if you aren't unfortunate enough to live there. You could come to California, where the weather is better, but we have nearly the nations's highest income taxes, the highest sales taxes, high property taxes (because the valuations are through the roof), the nation's first carbon tax, and some of the nation's highest auto registration fees. It's lovely. And our dickhead, err, governor, says we don't have enough money to fix the roads, so we need a new gas tax for that. A streaming service tax would be in the noise here.