Hi Paul. You have figured out that "check SP" means check speaker cables. You also state that even with the speakers on B unhooked it still goes into shutdown. Is that unhooking them at the receiver or the speakers.
The receiver is seeing a short on the ch. B output. Depending on how or where the cables are run to the outside speakers you may not be able to effectively inspect them. IE if they are in a wall or ceiling.
I would hook your main L/R speakers up to ch. B and see if the problem remains. If so, I'd say your Yammy went kablammy. At least on ch. B.
If the problem does not persist, its your wiring or your outside speakers.
At which point, take the outside speakers in and hook them up to ch. A. If problem persists, its time for new speakers.
If it plays fine, time to run new cable.
Good luck. Let us know what you find.