I like your equipment selection, and I like your idea of waiting for HDMI 1.3 to be available to you before you buy a new pre-pro.
If we were friends, and you lived in my town or one near me, I would offer you the loan of my Dynaco PAS3 tube preamp for six months to a year, while you waited for what you want to hit the market.
Since we are not acquainted and don't live in adjoining towns, but we have a mutual interest in a hobby, let me propose the following: Send me $100.00, and I will carefully package and ship the PAS3 to you. If you don't like it for any reason, send it back, and I'll send you back your $100.00. If you like it, use it in your system until you get your new pre-pro. Then send the PAS3 back to me and I'll send you back your $100.00.
I consider this to be an experiment in human relations, not a business transaction. You can check me out at
www.debtbustersny.com. Whatever you decide, best wishes.