It looks like your room is treated and as long as adequate analysis/testing was behind your treatments, with RF7's, that is quite a nice HT system!
If I'm trying to come up with a speaker to beat the RF7's for HT, the only thing that comes to mind is the JBL M2. They won't win any beauty contests and they cost a pretty penny ($20,000/pr.),but they are probably the "most engineered" speaker out there! "Most engineered" doesn't necessarily sound like a desirable feature, but knowing JBL's and Harman Audio's legacy of research and development puts them in a special category, IMHO!
I'm still not confident they would be substantially better than RF7's for HT. - Studio & Recording&placement=google&adpos=1t1&creative=248832405118&device=c&matchtype=b&network=g&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjtLZBRDLARIsAKT6fXx31Z_yW6lS9A9w4M_UgqeZS5CZm6-v7Y9Y0fM8WtHI3K7dAdZQOF0aAmCsEALw_wcB
These are pro audio speakers and if you have a Guitar Center or the like that sells JBL, you might enquire about them and they may be able to hook you up with someone or a studio that has a pair you can listen to.
Also, you might find out where the closest Best Buy with a Magnolia Room is and check out their Martin Logan electrostatic speakers (if you have not heard electrostats before). They have a unique sound without it being necessarily better or worse than a conventional speaker. If you have not heard any, it is a sound to experience so you can know whether or not it floats your boat!
Last, do you go to many live performances? Do they jump out as sounding better than your system? If not, you're probably best off enjoying what you have. Or perhaps a discussion with a good audiologist is in order. I assume your hearing aids are as "hi-fi" as you can find?
@TLS Guy , anything to add?
Edit: You also might want to post your general location, just in case someone reading this can help you locally. It is a long shot, but I know some guys here have wonderful systems and they do not mind showing them off to a fellow "passionate about sound" person!