Quant said:
I'm finding it so difficult to make my final decision between two very different sets - Totem Mites, and B&W CM1. Found the CM1 really revealing, detailed and bright, and would like to get them, except the mids & hi's of a voilin-like instrument on one of my CDs sounded harsh on them (I'm sure it was the recording & not the speakers, but its made me cautious). The Mites had excellent soundstage, were very musical, warm and yet crisp with string harmonics.
your description of how the b&w's made the violin sound to you are just about what i thought when i had b&w's in my home, not a bad sound but they were a bit too bright & too revealing, they had a tendancy to make an average or poor recording sound awful, before i get blasted for knocking a speaker for being too revealing my preference in a speaker is one that gives me the most enjoyment from my entire music collection not just the perfect recordings.
you said (you were sure that it was the recording & not the speaker),speakers that are too revealing are not always the best choice for maximun enjoyment out of any system, i would say buy the speaker that makes you feel the best while your listening & not the speaker that makes you notice all the flaws in the recordings.
this is the set of recordings that i use while auditioning speakers.
AL DI MEOLA, "tour de force live" / stunt guitar based live fusion jazz.
AL DI MEOLA-JOHN MCGLAUGHLIN-PACO DE LUCIA, "friday night in san francisco" / live accoustic guitar, flamenco guitar, fusion jazz.
JEAN LUC PONTY, "enigmatic ocean" / violin based fusion jazz.
STEELY DAN, "cant buy a thrill" / jazz,blues,funk,rock.
AC/DC, "back in black" / hard rock.
FRANK ZAPPA, "ship arriving to late to save a drowning witch" / stunt guitar, rock.
THE ALLMAN BROS BAND, "hittin the note" / heavy guitar & percussion blues.
DEEP PURPLE "machine head", classic rock.