TLS, the cynic.
Yeah, I know the limitations etc, etc. I can't argue with you about any of that.
But, you missed the point that I personally built the ST-70 from a kit. I'm sure that is something that you can appreciate, gaining experience and confidence on working on electronics. Also, tubes were long gone from main-stream before I was even born, so a tube amp carries some mystique that I never got to experience from my youth.
Next, it is quite fun to compare the ST-70 in pentode vs triode mode, with 4ohm vs 8ohm taps (once I install the upgrade), and with different speakers and as compared to powerful SS amps.
Finally, I just completed an analog synthesizer build too. It is quite fun to hook up an old-school tech synth to an old-school tech amp and see what kind of warm and fuzzy punchy basslines I can get out of it!
Yup, there is no NEED to use a tube amp, but that doesn't mean that there is no WANT to use a tube amp.