Car and Home Audio are very different.
You wont need to get a "class D" mono block for your home setup. Home audio does not require gobs of power like car audio, 12v vs constant 120/220..But you can run separate amps...
Look into pro drivers on parts-express, youll need a plate amp, and have to build an enclosure. If its your first time, id stick with a slot ported design for both subs. You will have more placement flexibility if you run them in different enclosures. Sound wise, thats all personal preference.
As long as your ohm-loads are in tune with that of the amp, you can run any subs. Most home audio amps recommend 8ohm MINIMUM, so when pick the sub(s), you want to make sure the final ohm load does not dip below 8ohms. (1ohm speaker on an amp built for 8ohms will cause some damage to your equipment)