I have recently purchased a used parasound 1206 amplifier. It is a 6 ch amp, that has bridgeable channels that will give 350W.
This has gotten me thinking about my sub setup. I currently run a Velodyne VSX-10, pretty much entry level and doesn't really have a whole lot of oomph behind it.
However, I do have an infinity reference 12" car sub in a box, and 2x 10" Audiobahn subs in a band pass box. I am seriously considering hooking one of these up to my new separate amp to see how it sounds.
The thing is, high quality HT subs can be very pricey, but high quality auto subs seem to be a bit cheaper since they typically don't have the built in amp. Also, I have 2 candidates to fit the bill already, and I know for a fact that both of these sub setups bump like nobody's business. My Pioneer elite stereo has LFE out and I would expect its crossover to be fine for my purposes.
Anybody out there using a car sub for home theater? Any problems or anything I should watch out for? Is this a good idea or a bad idea?