I felt it my duty as an AHer to dispell a myth I saw at the end of the health care thread...
"Why should someone be MADE to pay for something they don't want or be fined? There is no product or service out there like that. Sure I have to pay car insurance, but I choose to drive, I also get the privilege of driving where ever I want to go. If I choose not to drive and not have insurance, I am not fined for it."
This is actually incorrect for anyone that has licensed children, in NJ at least.
If your child gets their license, they are automatically added to your driver's policy and your premiums will without question be drastically increased because of it. Companies no longer allow exclusions on policies, meaning you can't even specify that your child will not be driving your vehicles and that they will not be covered in the case of an accident.
Your child may choose to never drive and simply wants the license to have a longer driving record on paper for getting lower premiums when they do choose to drive, you may choose to never let them drive your vehicles, but them simply getting a license gets you greeted with a nice premium hike. So yes, you can choose to not let your child drive, you can choose to not insure them as a driver, but the insurance company won't let you do that.
I wonder how gun lovers would feel if they had to pay for gun licenses for everyone in their household who has no intention of ever touching the guns...