Captivator vs. SVS PB13 vs. Submersive vs. 2 x Rythmik in a large space



I need to stop looking and make a decision. I’m nearly 100% HT and have 8500 ft^3 room that opens to a hallway and a stairwell. I have some WAF limits, so subs like the Captivator are out.

I would particularly like to get the low frequency base that produces an emotional feel when watching movies, but I know it will be difficult in the large space.

So here are my finalists:
• 1 x SVS PB13 Ultra – Historic reputation for output. Ported design, which is recommended for big rooms.
• 1 x Seaton Submersive HP – rave reviews from many posters. Reported to have more output than the SVS. But, since it is a sealed sub, not sure if my room is too big
• 2 x Rhythmik FV15HP – solid review at AV. Less output than PB13 or Seaton, but could get 2 to balance out the huge room
• 1 x Powered Captivator with veneers - from what i read, it seems to beat all others on output, and would be must better looking with the veneers

Would love to hear folk’s recommendations.

While I do appreciate the suggestions to "buy one now and add more later", I am hoping to make a final decision/purchase. Regardless of timeframe, i can't justify spending 5K on woofers.

Also, some interesting posts on the Captivator and how it might pull a lot of energy if left on all the time. My utility bills in Seattle are already insane, so this isn't encouraging. Anyone know if this would better or worst with the Captivator vs. others?

Admission: this was also posted on another forum so I apologize if this annoys anyone


Audioholic Ninja
Dual Rythmiks. Even if the others are slightly better in output, only one option will attack room suckouts.


Audioholic Spartan
I would particularly like to get the low frequency base that produces an emotional feel when watching movies,
How does low bass provoke an emotional response? Maybe if it's so low that it cause you to crap your pants. Then you're like, "Awww man I just crapped myself." Emotion = sadness. :D


Junior Audioholic
Didn't like the answers you got on AVS? You had a boat load of responses...if you don't want to take the advice given... why ask?


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Didn't like the answers you got on AVS? You had a boat load of responses...if you don't want to take the advice given... why ask?
There is nothing wrong in seeking more opinions, especially with a large purchase like what he is considering. In a large space, multiple subs really help. Another option to consider is two Elemental Designs A7-350s. That looks like an extremely powerful sub, I wouldn't be surprised if it had more output capability than the Rythmik FV15HP subs.


Junior Audioholic
Didn't like the answers you got on AVS? You had a boat load of responses...if you don't want to take the advice given... why ask?
This is your second post blasting someone for seeking advise on AVS when you're obviously on AVS as well...why the bias?? Moving on to the original post: I believe the review of the Rythmik was very favorable and don't think you could go wrong with two to smooth out in-room response.


Junior Audioholic
Because he has 2 pages of responses and recommendations essentially coming to somewhat the same consensus. I wonder what kind of response it takes to resonate. Everything you've told him thus far has already been suggested. What kind of response are you trying to illicit?
Your power bill may be high but this is something that should not be a serious concern. Plug it in to a $15 power strip.
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Audioholic Ninja
Take it easy guys, nothing wrong with getting an extra set of eyes before just tossing money at the wrong approach.

I suggested against sealed, because he's got a room just like mine.
The Submersive is a great sub, but you'll still need multiples for that room.
I would go with ported or Passive radiator 18's or an IB if that's even possible room depending.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Didn't like the answers you got on AVS? You had a boat load of responses...if you don't want to take the advice given... why ask?
STFU. nothing wrong with looking for many opinions.


Audioholic Overlord
I'll cast my vote for the SVS PB13 Ultra (and start saving for a second!)
If you would never actually buy the second Ultra, do the Rythmiks!


Junior Audioholic
STFU. nothing wrong with looking for many opinions.
All I'm saying is that this thread is a mirror of another thread. I went through the buying process 4 months ago... I read all the threads of the sub I was interested in and asked specific questions about each and what may fit me best. All we can tell someone is:
sub "A" has more output than sub "B"
sub "B" to me sounds tighter and a little more accurate
In a room that big you are better off buying the 2 lesser subs to fill the room than 1 slightly more expensive and better sub...unless you will buy a matching second sub later.

After that...there really isn't much to add. That's my only point. I'm not trying to be a d1ck, but... It's different than asking technical questions and trying to get an explanation from someone in layman terms. I wish the OP the best of luck, but I'm guessing he is going to be sh1t eating happy with any of them. I know I would be.


Junior Audioholic
True, but he's got 8500 ft^3 to fill... :eek:
It also sounded like the FW sub isn't really the best for the novice user and takes someone who knows about audio to get the absolute best out of it. Not saying it's bad or wouldn't sound good out of the box. I got the impression it's not a pug and play sub and takes some set-up work to get it performing at top speed. That sub does look bad@ss though.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
All I'm saying is that this thread is a mirror of another thread. I went through the buying process 4 months ago... I read all the threads of the sub I was interested in and asked specific questions about each and what may fit me best. All we can tell someone is:
sub "A" has more output than sub "B"
sub "B" to me sounds tighter and a little more accurate
In a room that big you are better off buying the 2 lesser subs to fill the room than 1 slightly more expensive and better sub...unless you will buy a matching second sub later.

After that...there really isn't much to add. That's my only point. I'm not trying to be a d1ck, but... It's different than asking technical questions and trying to get an explanation from someone in layman terms. I wish the OP the best of luck, but I'm guessing he is going to be sh1t eating happy with any of them. I know I would be.
i don't go to avs anymore. i'm sure many members here don't go there as well.

i would never have seen his questions if he did not post them here, i think his goal was to get as many opinions as possible.

back OT: 8500 cu.ft. ... go ported.


Audioholic Samurai
Didn't like the answers you got on AVS? You had a boat load of responses...if you don't want to take the advice given... why ask?
Didn't need you to point this out as the OP clearly stated he started another thread elsewhere in his very first post. That being said he is seeking more opinions on the matter and that seems fine to me, maybe the responses he already got were not what he expected, maybe.
I would go ported as well, X'2 :D.

funky waves

Junior Audioholic
With that recent glowing (but fair) Funkywaves review, I'm surprised no one is throwing that ugly little unit into the mix :D

Based on size alone, compared to the other units you're looking at, it should pass on the WAF test.
A pair would do quite well in that size room, if they are crossed over ~60hz. If a higher crossover point is needed the 15.3 has very similar overall performace with the 1000watt amp. It has a little less right at 20hz, but a couple more db over 30hz, and sounds good up to ~90hz crossover, it also is more user freindly, with the built in amplifier with limiting. subsonic etc all there. Even a single would do ok in a room that size, but to really fill it a pair would still be best, or a single 18.3.


Junior Audioholic
How does low bass provoke an emotional response? Maybe if it's so low that it cause you to crap your pants. Then you're like, "Awww man I just crapped myself." Emotion = sadness. :D
It is well known and well used in movies that very low bass (subsonic) elicits fear and dread.


Junior Audioholic

If I hadn't done DIY and had the money I would have gone with 2 of the high output 15" Rythmiks. I believe their approach provides more controlled low bass. Instead I have two Exodus subs in cabinets with passive radiators and am very satisfied. They even do quite well below 20Hz. I am going to force myself to use REW this week to measure them, if I can get them into their final resting place. I have two old NHT1259s that overloaded below 30 Hz in 90 liter boxes that I need to get out of the way. Any takers in the Minneapolis area?


Junior Audioholic

Get two 15" drivers from DIY Cable/Exodus and put each of them in a 4cf enclosure, vented or not. Look at the "application notes" to see extensive direction as to size and tuning of the sub-speaker system. Dimensions of the sub enclosure can be modified for more partner acceptance factor. Personally, and I am female, I find that large sub enclosures are sort of sexy, form follows function so I have two very large (at least to me) enclosures. I went to art and photography school so have some knowledge and appreciation of good design. I don't care for systems that give up all audio performance in pursuit of aesthetics, such as Bose and a number of imitators. To get good sub-bass you need a large enclosure or if the driver is designed for it a small enclosure and high excursion woofer and a lot of power, I'm talking about a kilowatt or more. Larger subs can use that sort of power too but they will get much louder and go much lower than a small one with the same power. There are small subs such as the Emotiva's, but they are way down in response below 30Hz, have a low power amplifier and just aren't a good performer if you ask me.
I am very proud of my DIYs and if I had a partner who objected too much to my setup, I would (and have in the past) end that relationship. I have a former partner who thinks that anything larger than a Bose radio is too big and she is quite hard of hearing. I lived with Logitech computer speakers being my only non-headphone sound source for years, largely because of hir.
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