Candlestick Park Renamed by Monster Cable

<P><FONT face=Arial size=2><A href=""><IMG style="WIDTH: 125px; HEIGHT: 70px" alt=[candlestickpark1] hspace=10 src="" align=left border=0></A>No, this is not a joke. The San Francisco 49ers' announced Tuesday a 4-year agreement with Monster Cable Products Inc. that will change the stadium's name to <STRONG>Monster Park</STRONG>. Many of the signs around the stadium will be updated in time for Sunday night's home game against the St. Louis Rams. We're wondering what's next. Maybe the Discovery Channel will open up bids for <STRONG>Monster Cable Garage</STRONG>, or <STRONG>Monster Cable House</STRONG>? In advertising and sponsorships you just never know!</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>[Read the Full Story]</FONT></P>
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To Cut a Long Rant Short, This is Just Too Sad...


Audioholic Chief
Heaven Forbid!

Heaven forbid that America keep some of its history...what's next "United States of Microsoft"....and the highest bidder is.... :mad: :mad: :mad:


hawke said:
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2><A href=""><IMG style="WIDTH: 125px; HEIGHT: 70px" alt=[candlestickpark1] hspace=10 src="" align=left border=0></A>No, this is not a joke. The San Francisco 49ers' announced Tuesday a 4-year agreement with Monster Cable Products Inc. that will change the stadium's name to <STRONG>Monster Park</STRONG>. Many of the signs around the stadium will be updated in time for Sunday night's home game against the St. Louis Rams. We're wondering what's next. Maybe the Discovery Channel will open up bids for <STRONG>Monster Cable Garage</STRONG>, or <STRONG>Monster Cable House</STRONG>? In advertising and sponsorships you just never know!</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>[Read the Full Story]</FONT></P>
Tells ya sumthin' about their profit margin, huh.

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Isn't anyone else outraged by this? The fact that a business whose success is based on defrauding the consumer can bribe a major municipality into becoming one of it's advertising shills is to me the height of insanity in the business world.
End of rant.
On a more productive note, has anyone heard of any complaints about snake oil cable manufacturers being brought to the attention of the FTC? I have seen two recent instances in the automotive arena (Slick-50 oil treatment and Splitfire spark plugs), where the FTC has forced manufacturers to cease their advertising claims and supported consumer class action suits against those manufacturers. Additionally warnings were sent out to 50 other companies to cease deceptive advertising. Here's a quote from the FTC position on auotomotive products: "Our message to industry is that false or inflated energy-saving claims will not be tolerated. Our message to consumers is that they should be skeptical of dramatic fuel-savings claims for automotive and other products,"
I see on the FTC website that they are not ignoring the home entertainment field, as they have recently update the amplifier power rating methods in response to multi channel home theater amps becoming the norm.
Maybe do have an opportunity to strike back.


Audioholics Master Chief
Maybe do have an opportunity to strike back.
I sure hope so, but since the cable industry is kinda small potatoes, one wonders if the FTC would focus on the fraud.


Monster Cable is attempting to takeover our domain name.

Monster Cable has filed a Federal Lawsuit to take over Monster Cable claims we do not have the right to use the word MONSTER. PLEASE HELP. Attorney’s for Monster Cable reported to the court fraudulent signatures to sneak thru the Federal Court and take over putting us out of business and stealing our domain name. is a very small cottage business that sells classic All American used vintage clothing. does not market, produce or sell any new items; we recycle used Vintage clothing. How does this threaten an over 300 Million dollar a year cable company?

We hope for a show of support with emails and phone calls to Monster Cable (information below),! Send an email or call Monster Cable and help us out of this corporate death grip. Read more @ donations for legal fees accepted! Mention how you want to help and get 10% off your purchase!

Monster Cable Products, Inc.
455 Valley Drive
Brisbane, CA 94005

David Tognotti, General Counsel

Irene Baran, Chief Operating Officer

Taylor Norrish, Internet Marketing Group Manager

Press Contact:
Charles Leib, PR Monster
Phone: (602) 300-0900

Elizabeth Chidester, International Specialist

Paul Lyons, Webmaster

Thanks from all of us for helping save our jobs!


Audioholic Samurai
I'm sorry to hear this. But Monster Cable has attempted such low class stunts before. Last time I remember was a site that sold toy monsters or something like that and had 'monster' somewhere in the domain name. I hope you are ablel to keep your domain name from these corporate jerks -- but they have the advantage of essentially unlimited funds to fight.

Good luck.


monstervintage said:
Monster Cable has filed a Federal Lawsuit to take over Monster Cable claims we do not have the right to use the word MONSTER. PLEASE HELP. Attorney’s for Monster Cable reported to the court fraudulent signatures to sneak thru the Federal Court and take over putting us out of business and stealing our domain name. is a very small cottage business that sells classic All American used vintage clothing. does not market, produce or sell any new items; we recycle used Vintage clothing. How does this threaten an over 300 Million dollar a year cable company?

We hope for a show of support with emails and phone calls to Monster Cable (information below),! Send an email or call Monster Cable and help us out of this corporate death grip. Read more @ donations for legal fees accepted! Mention how you want to help and get 10% off your purchase!

Monster Cable Products, Inc.
455 Valley Drive
Brisbane, CA 94005

David Tognotti, General Counsel

Irene Baran, Chief Operating Officer[/emai


Taylor Norrish, Internet Marketing Group Manager

Press Contact:
Charles Leib, PR Monster
Phone: (602) 300-0900

Elizabeth Chidester, International Specialist

Paul Lyons, Webmaster

Thanks from all of us for helping save our jobs!
Rip Van Woofer

Rip Van Woofer

Audioholic General
Have they ever sued or harassed (the job/career site)? Or just small businesses?

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