I am interested in purchasing the RX-V2700 and after some research have found that it can bi-amp the internal amplifiers to drive a pair of main speakers. My upgrade path after the Yamaha would be to get a dedicated external amp and use the Yamaha for sound processing. So the question I have is this, would the "bi-amp" setting apply to the pre-outs on the back of the Yamaha receiver too? In essence could I buy a seven channel amplifier and run four channels to the mains(bi-amped) and the other three as surrounds and center?
On a side note, I am also going to get a Paradigm Studio CC-590 to match my 60 fronts, and I was curious to know if the CC-590 could be bi-amped (does it have double binding posts?) and if anyone here has experience with bi-amping a center channel for movies and would be willing to share their thoughts?
Thanks in advance!