Can this dented KEF tweeter be fixed?




I have a KEF KHT3005 speaker with a dented cone. It absolutely affects the sound of it because I feel like checking my ears whenever I listen to this pair of speakers where only one has a dented dome.

Opening the enclosure is fairly easy, but I have no idea how to reach the tweeter itself. Here are some photos.

Is it possible to reach the back of the dome of the tweeter to push it out? I've tried using a shop vac and a tape but since it's aluminum it requires a significant force.



Seriously, I have no life.

I have a KEF KHT3005 speaker with a dented cone. It absolutely affects the sound of it because I feel like checking my ears whenever I listen to this pair of speakers where only one has a dented dome.

Opening the enclosure is fairly easy, but I have no idea how to reach the tweeter itself. Here are some photos.

Is it possible to reach the back of the dome of the tweeter to push it out? I've tried using a shop vac and a tape but since it's aluminum it requires a significant force.

DO NOT USE A SHOP VAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it sounds different, that may be the reason. By itself, that dent shouldn't make a huge difference.


Audioholic Jedi

I have a KEF KHT3005 speaker with a dented cone. It absolutely affects the sound of it because I feel like checking my ears whenever I listen to this pair of speakers where only one has a dented dome.

Opening the enclosure is fairly easy, but I have no idea how to reach the tweeter itself. Here are some photos.

Is it possible to reach the back of the dome of the tweeter to push it out? I've tried using a shop vac and a tape but since it's aluminum it requires a significant force.

I doubt that damage is affecting the speaker that much. You can not get to the tweeter. I suspect if you have good hearing those speakers will want to make everyone check their hearing. A huge portion of the audio spectrum will be missing with such a small baffle. There is no way those speakers will go low enough to mate with any sub. That is what a class as a 'vanity' product for the ill informed. I doubt I could listen to those for 30 seconds.


Audioholic Samurai

I have a KEF KHT3005 speaker with a dented cone. It absolutely affects the sound of it because I feel like checking my ears whenever I listen to this pair of speakers where only one has a dented dome.

Opening the enclosure is fairly easy, but I have no idea how to reach the tweeter itself. Here are some photos.

Is it possible to reach the back of the dome of the tweeter to push it out? I've tried using a shop vac and a tape but since it's aluminum it requires a significant force.

I pulled a dent out of a silk dome tweeter a few years ago and I never noticed any issues with the sound.

I seem to recall that I used a small piece of double sided mounting tape on an end of a popsicle stick and I just touched the center of the dent in the dome and this was sufficient to generate a very small force to pull the dent out. For an aluminum tweeter I'd try to figure out a way to push it out from the back.

If I was going to try double sided tape on an aluminum tweeter I'd probably use 3M Scotch 4011. It really grabs, which means you might be able to pull it out but you might damage it too.

Take the above with a grain of salt. My experience is limited to one silk dome tweeter.


Audioholic Ninja
If it matters that much, I'd look into just contacting the manufacturer and replacing the driver. If you have nothing to lose anyway, a dab of hot melt glue (the kind they use for paint-less dent removal on automobiles) and then attach something to it while still molten like say, a wooden chopstick and then let it set. It may take some strategy in where to attack it first, in the event it takes several attempts from different locations/angles. If it's deeply dented/creased, all bets are off.

I've removed the felt caps from paper woofers without destroying the cones. Perhaps the aluminum dome can be heated with a soldering iron, just until it solves the adhesive they are adhered with (if the speakers are constructed that way) gives up enough for them to be removed and body worked from the reverse side and glued back. I have reformed thin aluminum (paper thin fuel injector stack) with a small wood dolly shaped to fit the part and then formed on a canvas pouch filled with beach sand.

ETA: They sell aluminum speaker dust caps of all different sizes online. Perhaps you can find one that fits or can be resized to fit if you can get yours off.

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