Those speakers we fondly invest on at home are part of the Hi-Fidelity Plaback chain. They are meant to deliver the sound pressure levels analogous to the electronic signals of a RECORDING. Whether LP, Open Reel, CD, Cassette, DVD, SACD. I don't epect them to sound anyhwere near a live concert event (accoustic, not amplified).
It is the objective of a recording engineer to CAPTURE a live performance into a medium that can be played at home. Between a live acoustic performance and the RECORDED medium can already be miles apart. But the recorded information can be an excellent REPLICA. It IS a REPLICA of the real thing. It is not and will never be the REAL thing.
Now at home, audiophiles are engaged in attaining the objective of a Hi-fidelity PLAYBACK system - to reproduce the RECORDING - the REPLICA as it was "heard" and mixed by the recording engineer. And that's all they are going to get - a REPLICA of the sounds of the real thing. Never the real thing. Some gears can deliver the sonics approaching what was intended in the REPLICA. Most equipment have varying degrees of coloration to do justice to the REPLICA. But it's a replica just the same.
If I want to hear the real thing, I buy a concert ticket. And if I can afford one, I'd invite an classical or jazz ensemble to perform at home.
Having said that, my remembrance of how a live accoustic performance sounds can be used as a standard in judging a speaker. Such a remembrance has its bias and limitations, coloured to say the least. Hence, judging a speaker or amp to sound like the real thing is a most subjective and personal opinion. And it remains in the realm of opinion. What is accurate, transparent and neutral to me, may sound cold, clinical, grating, piercing and unmusical to another. My treasure can be someone's garbage, so to speak.