is this 2.0?
try an easier to drive speaker (one that does not dip to 3 ohms). if it still does it, it might be the amplifier.
on the other hand, you could add a subwoofer, use the built in highpass to filter the lowbass from your main speakers. (pre-out main in)
I have looked through the manual. That unit boasts 50 years of experience with integrated amps. Translation: - 50 years out of date. In my view more than that from decoding the phraseology.
There is no bass management, but it does have pre outs.
It has A and B speakers, but recommends against using A + B at the same time unless speakers are truly 8 ohm. It points out that 8 ohm speakers may in fact not be and have performance dips.
The output devices have dual protection and monitor the heat of the output devices and current. They state that impedance dips can trigger protection.
There is no four ohm power rating.
Working backwards from a max current consumption of 300 watts, that unit being A/B bias is not going to increase power as impedance drops. I would bet that unit struggles to deliver 30 watts to those speakers before the protection cuts in.
His solution is to get a beefy 2 channel power amp and plug in into the pre outs. That will solve his problem.
B & W and Rotel may be the same outfit, but that amp and his speakers are far from a match made in Heaven no matter what his dealer told him. As usual dealers don't know much except how to sell funny wire.
OP did they sell you "funny wire" with these units?