Call of Duty: Black Ops



Audioholic Ninja
The new installment of the COD series comes out on Tuesday. There have been rumors circling Treyarch implemented computer bots however this mode only can be accessed if you have an online account. :confused: Aren't bots for people who play split screen and don't have access to the internet...DUH! I hope this is not a sign of things to come...

Oh Treyarch, please don't disappoint us once again. :p


Audioholic Jedi
The reviews of this one are actually positive compared to the previous Treyarch releases. I still don't expect it to be at the Infinity Ward level :)


Audioholic Ninja
I haven't found any reviews yet? Its too bad,I loved the Spec Ops missions in MW2.


Full Audioholic
I can honestly say that I won't be surprised if this game is better then MW2...I was so disappointed with that game it was unreal.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I preloaded this game on Steam last week. It's just sitting there on my hard drive now... waiting to be unlocked. I am really looking forward to this game. I have been addicted to MW2 for the past year. I hope Black Ops lives up to the expecations.


Full Audioholic
IGN Review. 8.5...
Mostly because it feels like a COD game. Um ok... :rolleyes:

<object id="vid_4cd8b08edad0bd27f5000699" class="ign-videoplayer" width="480" height="270" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="flashvars" value="url="/></object><div style="width:480px">More Call of Duty: Black Ops Videos</div>

I bought MAG recently and have been addicted to it. This tempting me. I try not to buy game at $60 but I am really getting the itch.
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Audioholic General
I picked up the game this morning before work. I will probably start with the campaign tonight. Just finished watching a one hour video on youtube about the game,go check it out lots of good info.
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
I did the midnight thing, played a couple of hours already. I'll be reviewing it for Audioholics as soon as I gather some thought on it.

So far it's pretty good. But... I'm not sure if it's because it's a return to an older era in warfare but there is a level of polish you just don't get in the Infinity Ward releases. It's still quite good, I noticed Gary Oldman is back.


Audioholic Jedi
And you know you all want to run right out and pick up that new Black Ops Jeep :D


Audioholic Ninja
Just so you know the regular copy of Black Ops only comes with 2 co-op maps for zombies mode. The hardened and prestige versions come with 4 extra co-op maps. I believe the extra maps are from WAW. You have to redeem them through xbox live with the code that is provided in the sleeve.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
Well I'd be lying if I said I am not a bit dissapointed so far. The game appears to be quite buggy. The PC version lags and stutters regardless of graphics settings. It should be running perfectly on my Radon 5870, Core i7 860, and 8 GB RAM. It seems this is a widespread issue. The game also looks WORSE than MW2! The graphics just aren't up to par. All of that is moot when it lags so bad though.

There is no way to join a party with a friend and play on the same team on the PC version like there is in MW2. Aside from the lag this is the biggest problem I have. I tried to play with a friend tonight and we kept getting split up, if we were even able to connect to the same server.

I never thought this would be the case but after playing Black Ops for a couple hours I switched over to MW2 and found it to be a more enjoyable experience.


Well I'd be lying if I said I am not a bit dissapointed so far. The game appears to be quite buggy. The PC version lags and stutters regardless of graphics settings. It should be running perfectly on my Radon 5870, Core i7 860, and 8 GB RAM. It seems this is a widespread issue. The game also looks WORSE than MW2! The graphics just aren't up to par. All of that is moot when it lags so bad though.

There is no way to join a party with a friend and play on the same team on the PC version like there is in MW2. Aside from the lag this is the biggest problem I have. I tried to play with a friend tonight and we kept getting split up, if we were even able to connect to the same server.

I never thought this would be the case but after playing Black Ops for a couple hours I switched over to MW2 and found it to be a more enjoyable experience.
Glad I am holding off on this one...this sounds not cool!


Audioholic Field Marshall
So I picked up the game last night and played it for a little while. I would just like to say how awesome the crossbow with explosive tips is. It's by far my favorite weapon :D


Audioholic Ninja
Treyarch actually did a good job on the campaign. Its a bit over the top and at times seemed like they were trying to hard with certain aspects with so much going on (it is an epileptics nightmare :eek:) but job well done. Its hard to explain, some areas of the game are absolutely gorgeous and others environments look a bit cheap. However, the facial graphics/expressions are the best in the series and an improvement from past games. Overall. Great gun selection, cool missions, interesting story a few slight frame rate slowdowns. I do agree with the sentiment that IW games have a more polished feel to them. COD4 still is my favorite campaign.

Now its time for Veteran. It is going to be a nightmare because Treyarch decided to bring back infinite re-spawns in some areas of the game. When it comes to playing on Veteran, "it's always better to be lucky than good".


Audioholic General
I have a little FYI for you on the music for black ops. Scott Rockenfield(drummer for queeensryche) writes and performs all the drum tracks for the game,very cool.

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