Just a preface, I am a BB employee and have worked there quite a bit in the past, so take this as you like. At a lot of BB stores, sales people are woefully under trained. Especially around holiday season since mostly what the retailer wants are warm bodies to corral the crowds. Magnolia is a different story. The amount of training those guys go through is pretty intense. When our store got it, the people that were being moved up to it went away on a 2 week, 10 hour a day training session and came back knowing things that I am just now starting to learn. As far as markup goes, yes, it's pretty ridiculous, but take into account that the reason stores such as BB and CC stay open is the margin in the HT department, without that these stores wouldn't exist at all. Computers, media, appliances and all that stuff are very nearly no profit whatsoever. I think that's all I have to say about that. Thanks for reading my devil's advocate spiel for the day.