Tempur-pedic. I've tried a bunch of them, my favorite is the second down from the top of the line - that's what my bed is. Actually my guest room has the more expensive one because I liked the one a level down haha. I have to say it made a dramatic improvement. I sleep better, back feels better, less muscle tension.
don't read below if easily offended
Someone mentioned 'testing' with their partner earlier. That is one thing that takes some getting used to. Having sex in the tempur-pedic's is a bit funky at first because you tend to sink. So if her weight is rested mostly on you, you'll sink more but her knees won't sink much.... If your on top, it's vice versa. Doggy-style and so forth is really good though, because the matress doesn't shake much so if she digs into the matress it basically presents an awesome support system.
Probably too much info, but, hey, it's life, we have sex in our beds as well as sleep hehe.
Oh, a few more notes:
- Be aware they are heavy. So, if your wife/sig. other makes the bed just make sure she is bending her knees. It's surprising how heavy they are.
- The motorized one is kinda stupid in my opinion. My friend got one and it basically makes using a bed skirt impossible, especially since his was the 'seperately' operated version. I guess if you watch TV in bed it might be nice, but, basically all sleep doctors agree that beds aren't for watching TV in (you should do it in another room). The solution to the bed skirt was to make a 'fake' one that went around the bed frame but wasn't actually attached to the bed, that way the motor system works. Otherwise the bed skirt will pull when lifting the bed/using the motor. And you can't really leave it without a bed skirt, because then all the motor and ugly framing is exposed.