I'm just extremely, and I mean extremely down, can get any lower down on the human race. It is honestly getting worse by the minute my pessimism of humanity. We do not treat each other right, we hate each other over the most frivolous reasons, we are terrible to the planet and we are awful to our animal friends the world over.
I'm sorry I'm so dark but this is what I see. Yes, there are great things going on, but it's more bad than good. We just had our second son and I'm literally thinking what did we bring this little guy into and why? I'm a hypocrite because honestly, the world, the planet would be better off without us.
I hear you loudly. My brother and I have these conversations about the what we are doing to the planet, each other, and it can easily drive you into a mental down trend. He is especially susceptible to it. Coming off of 2 years of lockdowns, fear, and horrible news cycles is a big factor. You just had a kid, congrats!, your primal instincts are kicking high now(as well as preconception) and that only magnifies your sense of responsibility.
I tell my bro when falling into a down trend, to think locally and focus on things you can control. Do the best you can with the choices presented each day. When you go to the gas station, try to make someone smile with a good natured joke or comment, etc, If you're in a store and see someone confused about something you may know about, give them a advice or a hand. (i.e., I do this when I am in Home Depot and see a lost soul. The most common response, "thanks, I don't run into people that like to help much". By helping others you are helping yourself. Good combo.
As for the state of humanity as a whole, well that's another kettle of fish. Different things may work to knock you out of a slump. Find the most beautiful piece of music you have and sit back and think that only a human could have created it. Something classical usually fits. Same with your favorite book or movie, especially comedies. Strangely, in a down spin a few years ago, I saw two movies around the same time that knocked my perspective back into gear, "Cloud Atlas" and "Oblivion". Something else may do it for you.
If you are really up to it, try "Life of Brian".
Enough ramblings maybe this helps..