Bungie to split from Microsoft?



Audioholic Spartan
I hope this doesn't happen, I want to see more great Halo games in the future, and I like what Bungie is doing. But I also don't always agree with Microsofts tactics, so I can't blame Bungie for jumping ship.


Senior Audioholic
Who cares, everyone will still buy Halo 4.


Audioholic Jedi
Did you read the article? Even if they split, Halo 4 will still be owned by Microsoft and they have the option of first shot at ANY game Bungie comes up with.


Full Audioholic
I say "good for Bungie" so they can do [basically] what they want to do.

Depending on how MS handles things this may be a win-win-win for everyone.


Audioholic Chief
It's interesting. It leaves open the door for someone besides Bungie to develop Halo 4. Microsoft owns the Halo franchise. Rock Band and Guitar Hero come to mind. New developer same franchise...will it be as good? Time will tell.

Bungie gets creative freedom. They can create what they want and when. Microsoft gets first shot as publisher, but they can pass.


Audioholic Samurai
This reminds me of Nintendo and RARE back in the day. At one point they were one of the best development houses nintendo had (Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark, Donkey Kong Country, Goldeneye, Conker) and now look at them. Microsoft has yet to have anything great with them.

Maybe Bungie didn't want to make only Halo for the rest of their lives.


Audioholic Chief
All this talk about Bungie Studios has made me think back to all the hours I spent playing Marathon on my Mac back when it came out in 1994. Marathon was a big deal. First of all we mac users didn't have many first person shooter games then (Doom I, , and secondly nobody had a first person shooter game as advanced as Marathon was when it came out, even on the PC/Windows OS. Doom looked like it belonged on an Atari after playing Marathon, not to mention the game Wolfenstein 3D from a year or two earlier. Still I didn't have anybody to play networked games with... :( Not that my 2400 bit/sec modem could have handled it!
:D Long live Bungie!

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