Should be four colors - red, black, white, green.
The red/black pair should be the +/- for the right speaker in each room.
The white/green pair should be the +/- for the left speaker in each room.
You can get a toner to check out each pair:|65:1|39:1|240:1318
Connect the wires as you normally would for any stereo audio installation.
If you are looking to power multiple rooms from a single stereo receiver, you will need to check if there are volume controls in the rooms, and may need to get them.
Likewise, if you just want to run the same volume everywhere, you may need an impedence matching speaker selector.
There are reasons why your local audio shop has people that are employed to do this work. It's not always cut and dry for the inexperienced person to install this stuff, and you may need several products to get it right without hurting anything you already own.