First off, thanks for the excellent website, one of the best resources for audio information that i have come across.
I started upgrading my system about 2 months ago. I had some 90's vintage infinty towers, super cheap panasonic surrounds, yamaha htr receiver and a sony sub.
Being the typical newbie buyer i started with the bose acousticrap system. I was sorely disappointed, felt like i took a step backwards. Everyone raves about bose, and the price is high so they must be good, right? hehe I dont think these things even played any midrange, compared to my very tired tower they sounded horrible.
At this point i decided a little research may be a good idea.
I then found the high end audio room hidden in the back of worst buy. I fell in love with bug-eyed styled mirages with there tiny foot print and picked that system up for around 800 center+4 speakers. Music was some of the best i've ever heard but the movie surround was somewhat disappointing. The mirages seem to have a huge soundfield due to there 360 design, combined with my cathedral styled room, caused some somewhat strange movie surround effects. Very hard to pinpoint anything that was happening around you. Also the tiny sats once again fall a little short of towers, as to be expected of course.
Another 10 min wait in the best buy return line.
I then happened to go over to circuit city. They had some KEF iq3 and iq5 on a clearance rack at the back of store. I knew KEF's were regarded as high end audio but had no idea on there product line. 15 mins of mulling i decided to risk it. Man was i glad i did!!!
They had
kef iq3's for $180
kef iq5 tower each at $150
then grabbed a Boston Acoustics VR center for $80
I rushed home and plugged in speakers and was completely blown away!! Audio was unbelievable, started with a couple live concert cd's, it was like being there! Then moved on to the movies, it was like hearing a completely different movie, its amazing how much audio I was missing...
Although now im finding all the other limitations of my system, like hearing the motor on the dvd player hum, cheap wires being wrapped around the 60hz power cords, etc...
As a audio newbie will i notice a big difference if upgrade the yamaha htr reciever? note: Most of my audio is used for howard stern and movies...
I get wierd bass noises (almost like a blown sub), is a sub a sub? Are the high end subs needed with the iq5's? Should i just got through the articles on sub postioning and tuning with towers? (already printed them

Or should the sony 250 watt 10 inch sub be on the list of first things to go?
Is the sound level thingie from radio shack a must have for tuning? Should i buy a better one?
Any reason speaker connections are not soldered and shrink tubed, just a ease thing? Coming from a electric rc car world, if its not soldered its not a good connection. Relying on a screw in connector seems kind of hodgey.
why do bose cost so much?
Thanks for help!!