No, well mostly no. How would you control the volume?
The turntable might have a phono
preamp built in but you still need to amplify that signal enough to be able to drive speakers. That will require a
power amp of sorts.
You would need to search for
amplified speakers. These have built in amplifiers.
These are the current go-to amplified speakers recommended nowadays but are generally used for computer speakers.
This appears to be the only similar item Best Buy offers. Go the re and search on "powered speakers" amd see what else pops up.
You might be lust as well off getting a receiver or integrated amplifier and standard, non-amplified speakers as these are much more common and will afford you more choices and flexibility.
If you want meaningful suggestions on this you might want to state a price range you're expecting, or hoping, to spend. Remember, you get what you pay for here.
Keep in mind that you can get a full stereo receiver starting sround $100, or a small integrated amp for $50 or so, and still have a tremendous selection of non-powered speakers for the additional $100.