While the CRC would save you money, if you don't mind used or refurbished, I would suggest something a bit more powerful. By buying used or refurbished, you can get one of the models I'd mentioned for close the the same or cheaper than a new CRC and considering this is where most of the soundtrack for HT is handled, you want to keep your center as a strong point in your speaker system.
The micros are nice sounding speakers and a good solution in a predominantly HT configuration, but if you're considering any type of multichannel music, I would suggest a pair of surrounds with a deeper frequency response. A new pair of CR75s can be found at Audio Advisor for $175
As JEidt mentioned, if you're listening environment is a small sized room, you may be able to save some money and go with the micros or some of the smaller form factor speakers for surrounds. The Bravos are a great solution in small to mid-sized applications, but are rather expensive. considering you're going with the entry level towers, I'd assume you'd like to keep as close to the cost of the mains (or less) as possible for the surrounds.
The SVS or HSU suggestions are also top notch (I own a 20-29 PCi myself and love it), but again, only being able to guess at what your budget may be, the SVS PB10 or HSU VTF-2 is likely more than you're willing/able to spend at this time.
If you're able to provide room dimensions and listening habits, we may be able to tailor the suggestions a bit better... -TD