you should upgrade the stock already high quality speaker wire with AudioQuest solid conductor speaker and video cables
I've tried out their single conductor wire. It's actually pretty good. The problem is, the difference is so minor and it really isn't worth 6X the cost of most other wire. I've tried out some of their video cables too. Bluejeans proved to be a better cable at 1/3 the price.
I also listened to the Lifestyle 48 a few weeks ago. I was waiting around for my daughter to finish shopping, so I said what the heck, it's air conditioned and dark and worst case, I can fall asleep during their demo. I sat through the whole thing and was about as impressed as I had ever been with Bose (which is not much). Afterwards, the guy asked "Any questions?" but 95% of the nearly 16 or so people had already walked out LOL. I stuck around and started asking him questions (because I'm like that) like "What if I don't want the speakers because I already have ones nicer than those?" Answer: "Uh, sorry, you're stuck with them, they only come as a package.". "What if one of the speakers gets damaged? Can I buy a replacement?" Answer: "No, we don't sell them individually, but you can send it in and we'll repair or replace it within 6-8 weeks...."
"Thanks, bye."