Setup: projector with only 1 Hdmi cable running to an Hdmi switch (4 in 1). Hdmi running from the switch to my blue-Ray. All that works fine and here is where the issue starts. I have a fire stick and my DVD player has an Hdmi input so I'm using this for my fire stick. All works fine but I also have a receiver I'm trying to get all of this sound to. I don't believe the DVD player has any audio outputs as it was part of its own surround sound but the receiver has more power. I've tried running an Hdmi to the receiver and have the fire stick plugged into the receiver. Couldn't get that to work or know if that's even a real thing? I need help figuring this out. I've listed my DVD player and receiver info below. Is there any other options to get my DVD player and fire stick to work through the receiver for sound?
I know the reveiver and speakers work fine because I've hooked up another DVD player (no Hdmi input for the fire stick) and it works just fine.
Maybe an easy fix but I can't figure this out.
Onkyo HT-R667