BioShock 2's DLC Already on Disc



Audioholic Samurai
Well it has been reported that Bioshock 2 has the DLC on the disc already according to 2k, but you needed to pay to unlock this content on the disc. IMO 2k dropped the ball on this, the content should have been accessible to gamers from the get go which we should not have to pay for to unlock something that is already on the disc. here is the link to GameSpy


Audioholic Samurai
Wow I would have thought there would have been some outrage over this, the Sinclair Solutions Tester Pack costs $5 for both 360 and PS3. Which is not really DLC but a code to unlock some files that are already on the disc that gamers payed $60 for and now 2K wants another $5 so you could have full access.


Audioholic Spartan
They are so greedy... game prices already jump every time a new console is released, now they want you to pay more to unlock content that is already on the disc at release date? That is ridiculous, and I'll boycott BioShock 2 just because of it.


Audioholic Jedi
Resident Evil 5 was the same way. The multiplayer access was installed and just needed to be unlocked for a fee. weak.


Audioholic General
DLC is simply a money making scheme. Companies produce content for a game only to release it months after the initial release just to make more money. It's greedy and underhanded. It allows companies to release unfinished games for the sole purpose to persuade naive customers into paying more money to have a complete game. You're not paying for extras, you're paying for what should have been included in the game in the first place.

This news about Bioshock 2 is pretty obviously bad business practice.


Full Audioholic
They are so greedy... game prices already jump every time a new console is released...
That's not quite true. I paid $50-$60 for games on the N64 that were good. The bad ones were in the $20-$30 range.


The idea behind the industry wide push for additional DLC is to counter used game sales which hurt the bottom line. If you notice many brand new games come with codes for unlocking additional features such as another character in Dragon Age: Origins or armor in Mass Effect 2. Buying said games used would mean you would have to purchase this content seperately if you wanted to experience them.

Of course there are other content that is not included in the game but is added for enjoyment outside of the main story of the game. These are optional.


Audioholic Jedi
The only game that I have seen so far that isn't "complete" is Assassin's Creed. I noticed while I was playing that there were areas that you couldn't get to and didn't even realize that there were chapters "missing" from the main game that came out later as DLC. Forunately they didn't charge a lot for them otherwise it wouldn't have been worth it, even though I got the game for $20 off by waiting a few weeks after it came out.


Audioholic Samurai
I will use this game as an example, Oblivion offered the Shivering Isles expansion pak which you could buy as a disc or download from PSN also Knights of the Nine which is worth paying for, but to make gamers pay for maps,weapons,multi-player or just an extra chapter or two which adds very little to the gaming experience is just plain wrong. If I wrote reviews for games you best believe those games that offer DLC to just complete a game because the company was into much of a rush to get the product to market that game would get very low scores. Now I don't want people to get the wrong ideal here Bioshock 2 is a good game but to offer DLC which is already on the disc that you payed for and to charge you again is wrong. The gaming companies get away with this if we allow them to, by not buying the games that we know were they are short changing us will hopefully change their practices.


Audioholic Jedi
I will use this game as an example, Oblivion offered the Shivering Isles expansion pak which you could buy as a disc or download from PSN also Knights of the Nine which is worth paying for, but to make gamers pay for maps,weapons,multi-player or just an extra chapter or two which adds very little to the gaming experience is just plain wrong. If I wrote reviews for games you best believe those games that offer DLC to just complete a game because the company was into much of a rush to get the product to market that game would get very low scores. Now I don't want people to get the wrong ideal here Bioshock 2 is a good game but to offer DLC which is already on the disc that you payed for and to charge you again is wrong. The gaming companies get away with this if we allow them to, by not buying the games that we know were they are short changing us will hopefully change their practices.
Well, the only real way they will not do this is if people do not buy the unlock. A lot of games have been giving away free DLC, but it is costumes / new paint jobs and stuff that isn't of any use.


Audioholic Samurai
Unfortunately how many gamers have already fallen victim to this scam before it was made public, but I hope other gamers will not download this "unlock" for the sake of better content in the future.

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