BIC Venturi modified by EFE Technology



I wanted to give my initial impressions on my modified BIC Venturi Speakers. I'm using DV64 towers as my mains, DV62CLRS center, DV62si bookshelves for surrounds and an SVS PB10 all running through a pioneer 1015. I love multi channel music, so I decided that I better have all of them modified. The crossovers were sent to Ed last Thurs., and I received them Weds. morning. Ed was very prompt to respond to my questions thorough emails and even answered the phone when I called him for another round of questions. He notified me when he received the crossovers, and when he shipped them back to me.

I've owned the BIC center and bookshelves for a little over 2 years now, so I've really had an opportunity to listen to them with a lot of sources and in different locations. You can say that I'm pretty familiar with the way they sound. The DV64's were purchased several months ago, but have the same tweeter and drivers as the other speakers. They all match very well together.

The BIC's sounded good before I modified them. If I mostly watched movies and TV, I may not have modified them because I was happy with the way they sounded. Listening to music with these speakers was not satisfactory for me. They are bright, but more than that, they were sloppy. What I mean by sloppy was it seemed like the mids and the highs were tripping over each other. The sound was very harsh, and basically gave the textbook definition of listening fatigue.

When I received the modified crossovers in the mail, I immediately put the speakers back together and listened to them for about 8 hours on thurs. and probably another 6 hours or so on Thurs. I went through just about every song that I thought would test the speaker’s abilities. Right away I noticed a huge difference with 2 channel music. I turned the sub off and set the DV64's to large. I also listened in direct mode which defeats any eq or distance settings. My sloppy bright towers have become a pleasure to listen to. I can't believe I only have a little over $300 into these speakers. They are much warmer and detailed. The mids are no longer trying to compete with the highs. I never complained about the bass before, but now it just sounds better, more controlled. Everything is much more balanced, and I experience none of the listening fatigue that I experienced before. I used to have to run the towers with the sub, and eq to get any enjoyment out of 2 channel music. I'm very happy with the way they sound now.

Honestly, the difference to me is huge. I should have done this much sooner. A good friend that has listened to my setup many, many times was over last night and I had some music playing. He asked "are these your new speakers, they sound great"?
I laughed and told him they were the same ones. He couldn't believe it.

I've read so many reviews that say the same thing I'm saying right now, that I became skeptical. I only read one review that stated that they preferred the unmodified BIC's to the modified ones. The reviewer stated that the mods took away the airy sound and it didn't image as well. I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I can't disagree more. I listened to Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots in the hi-res dvd-a 2 channel mode, and the imaging was phenomenal. It sounded like the flaming Lips were right there in my living room (I'm sorry, but I don't know a better way to say that without sounding cliché). Also, I never had a problem with the 5.1 mixes before, but now they sound even better.

I haven't found one negative aspect after the XO mods. The speaker can start to get compressed at very high listening levels, and I mean very high listening levels. I would never listen to anything that loud for any extended period of time anyways. This could also be a result of amplification, and not so much the speakers. Also, the speakers are not the prettiest. They are big black boxes.

I believe these BIC's are a true giant killer, especially with the mods. I can now understand why some people go so far to say that they were unlistenable out of the box. Compared to how much better they sound with the mods, I can kind of agree with them now.

As far as movies go, I haven't really spent much time watching movies. I watched half of Master and commander last night as well as some weird psychological thriller movie my wife brought home called the Machinist, and they sounded great. I would expect that the modified speakers will excel at movies as well.

One thing to note, these speakers are bright out of the box, but that doesn't mean that the mods take away the high end. The high end is still dynamic and, well, bright if the source calls for it. Everything is just more balanced. The highs are there, and the mids are much better, more pronounced. Everything just sounds more natural, and the whole listening experience has become much more enjoyable.

If you are in the Bay Area, and are considering these speakers or modifying your BIC's, feel free to contact me. If anyone has any of Ed's speakers (the EFE DIY's or the T series), I would love to check those out. I now know what he can do with lesser quality components, so I'd love to see/hear what he does with some quality components.


Audioholic Jedi
Congrats man, that's great to hear. Where in the Bay Area? :D Hint...hint... I'd like to hear them. You're welcome to come hear my gear too. Shoot me a PM.

The manufacutrer of my speakers offers an upgraded crossover as well, I bought the parts from him and modified them myself and I noticed a definite improvement as well, so I know where you're coming from.


Audioholic Slumlord
This is not intended as a putdown of BIC speakers

I'm keep reading about how good BIC speakers are, especially after the upgrade. I'm of the opinion that a properly designed speaker should not need an upgrade, not as important as a crossover. People aren't, at least not openly, running out with their PSBs, Paradigms, Boston Acoustics, Polks etc to upgrade the crossovers. So why then, does BIC get the reputation for being a good speaker? How much extra is the upgrade?


3db said:
I'm keep reading about how good BIC speakers are, especially after the upgrade. I'm of the opinion that a properly designed speaker should not need an upgrade, not as important as a crossover. People aren't, at least not openly, running out with their PSBs, Paradigms, Boston Acoustics, Polks etc to upgrade the crossovers. So why then, does BIC get the reputation for being a good speaker? How much extra is the upgrade?

Ed Frias said:

I sell the BICs as a lower priced speaker to those that can't afford my EFE TECHNOLOGY Speaker line.
Until last year the BIC DV62si (V-62 / C-6) was an unbelievably good speaker for the price! Consumer Report gave it a top rating above many well known brands in the same price range. Testing its accuracy straight out of the box amazed me! It was extremely flat and neutral for a budget speaker. Recently BIC changed the speaker in style and performance.
Recently I opened and set up a new pair and they shocked me! They were bright , tinny and harsh! I tested their accuracy with pink noise and my analyzer and found them to be terribly inaccurate. BIC has taken a good speaker and turned it into Home Theater junk!
Realizing they were still using decent drivers as before, I examined the crossovers and noticed the worst mistakes any speaker manfacturer could possibly do! I tried a second pair just to make sure the first wasn't a Monday morning employee mistake, they weren't! So I modified the crossover and performed a little magic on them, and WaLa!!
Actually made them to be a better speaker than the original C-6 which were very good! If any owners would like their BICs modified to be accurate, smoother and great for music as well as Home Theater, send them postage paid both ways and $40, and I will transform them for you. You may read reviews on EFE TECHNOLOGY speakers to varify I know how to build speakers! Out of the box I"ll give them a "1" for value . After modification, "5". For info contact:
Ed Frias


Audioholic Slumlord
Thanks for replying

MacManNM said:
Ed Frias said:
Are you saying that for the money, BIC represents a good value? What if other manufacturers like I stated above have after market mods done to them? Would they not be considered poor designs? IS BIC getting away from a bad rep because they are so inexpensive? I'm trying to grasp this but logically, it makes no sense.


I recently talked to Ed, and he sent me some stuff. Here are some commonly asked questions and answers. If anyone would like to know more, or see more customer comments, PM me, or e-mail Ed directly. He is a very nice easygoing gentleman, and he has no problem answering your questions.




Audioholic Slumlord
Sounds like a really cool guy

MacManNM said:
I recently talked to Ed, and he sent me this. Here are some commonly asked questions and answers. If anyone would like to know more, or see more customer comments, PM me, or e-mail Ed directly. He is a very nice easygoing gentleman, and he has no problem answering your questions.
but it hasn't adressed my questions. Thanks anyway.


3db said:
Are you saying that for the money, BIC represents a good value? What if other manufacturers like I stated above have after market mods done to them? Would they not be considered poor designs? IS BIC getting away from a bad rep because they are so inexpensive? I'm trying to grasp this but logically, it makes no sense.

Yes I am saying that. The cost of the DV62si bookshelf speakers and mod shipped is around $140.00, plus 20 minutes of your time. Where else can you find bookshelf speakers of very good quality for that kind of money?

Those other manufacturers don't have products this cheap.


I'm of the opinion that a properly designed speaker should not need an upgrade, not as important as a crossover. People aren't, at least not openly, running out with their PSBs, Paradigms, Boston Acoustics, Polks etc to upgrade the crossovers. So why then, does BIC get the reputation for being a good speaker? How much extra is the upgrade?
That's just it, they aren't properly designed speakers. When speakers are as inexpensive as the BIC's there has to be a reason. The good thing is the problem can easily be rectified with a simple crossover mod (I'm sure other inexpensive things can be done to improve the sound further, but probably not as drastically as the crossover mods). The drivers and tweeters are of decent quality for a speaker this inexpensive. No, the mod doesn't make them some of the best sounding speakers in the world, but it definitely places them high up in the "budget speaker" division.

The cost to mod all five speakers was $136 (towers- $82, center- $22, bookshelves- $32, Ed raised his prices $2 this year). The cost for all 5 speakers was about $475 shipped. Total invested is around $600 for (8) 6" drivers, (5) tweeters, (4) passive radiators and some big black boxes.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Ed Frias said:

I sell the BICs as a lower priced speaker to those that can't afford my EFE TECHNOLOGY Speaker line.
Until last year the BIC DV62si (V-62 / C-6) was an unbelievably good speaker for the price! Consumer Report gave it a top rating above many well known brands in the same price range. Testing its accuracy straight out of the box amazed me! It was extremely flat and neutral for a budget speaker. Recently BIC changed the speaker in style and performance.
Recently I opened and set up a new pair and they shocked me! They were bright , tinny and harsh! I tested their accuracy with pink noise and my analyzer and found them to be terribly inaccurate. BIC has taken a good speaker and turned it into Home Theater junk!
Realizing they were still using decent drivers as before, I examined the crossovers and noticed the worst mistakes any speaker manfacturer could possibly do! I tried a second pair just to make sure the first wasn't a Monday morning employee mistake, they weren't! So I modified the crossover and performed a little magic on them, and WaLa!!
Actually made them to be a better speaker than the original C-6 which were very good! If any owners would like their BICs modified to be accurate, smoother and great for music as well as Home Theater, send them postage paid both ways and $40, and I will transform them for you. You may read reviews on EFE TECHNOLOGY speakers to varify I know how to build speakers! Out of the box I"ll give them a "1" for value . After modification, "5". For info contact:
Ed Frias
That completely explains why my DV62si's from 1992 sounded as good as they did out of the box - without mods. Anyone in denile of how good a Venturi speaker truly is needs to order a 62CLRS center channel for just over $110 and compare it to what they have now.

It's one of the few things in life that seems too good to be true, and with a mod, gets even better.

I wouldn't put down the look too much. Big black boxes - sure. But well made, heavy boxes with solid drivers make a nice impression compared to the likes of JBL and Infinity bookshelves at your local big box store. Even my Polk RTi4's bow down to the beef of the DV62si bookshelves. The RTi4's are some of the nicest bookshelves you'll take apart.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Buck and Mac, do either of you own these speakers? I'm trying to talk a friend of mine into ordering the HT package with the floor standers from Ed directly and add an SVS PB12-Plus for the sub. He will use this setup for HT 95% of the time so how they sound with music is not too important. This will be driven by a HK AVR 7200 so he'll have plenty of juice! How do you think this setup will sound with movies? Or should he just order the speakers without the Frias mods?


Audioholic General
johsti said:
When speakers are as inexpensive as the BIC's there has to be a reason.
because they don't say B O S E ? :D


Senior Audioholic
Get teh acoustech speakers and buy the svs sub. Can't beat that for moview. I asked Ed about modding the acoustechs, said he doesn't do that, but if I wanted speakers for HT, the acostech were made for that.


because they don't say B O S E ?
Reply With Quote
Wouldn't it be nice if BO$E owners could improve the sound with a crossover mod. Wait, do BO$E even have a crossover?:p

Actually, my friend has some active BOSE towers that sound pretty good for music. I think they are the 701's.


I wouldn't put down the look too much. Big black boxes - sure.
Don't get me wrong, I really have no problems with the look, but others might. You're not going to get a nice cherry wood veneer at this price. They look like speakers, not furniture. I have definitely seen much worse looking speakers. The WAF might be a little more difficult with these speakers for some. Lucky for me, my wife will only allow black speakers.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Duffinator said:
Buck and Mac, do either of you own these speakers? I'm trying to talk a friend of mine into ordering the HT package with the floor standers from Ed directly and add an SVS PB12-Plus for the sub. He will use this setup for HT 95% of the time so how they sound with music is not too important. This will be driven by a HK AVR 7200 so he'll have plenty of juice! How do you think this setup will sound with movies? Or should he just order the speakers without the Frias mods?
Mac bought the DV84's, DV62si's, DV62CLRS, and DV52's for surrounds along with the BIC DV1220 sub for his father in law (an attorney with gobs of cash and a Bose system). He also picked up a Marantz SR8400 receiver to drive them. No surprise - the old man was blown away.

I used an older pair of DV62 bookshelves for many, many years in my main system, and as surrounds up until the Polk purchase. Stunning bass out of bookshelves, and controlled treble. The 62's aren't tiny by any means, and look better on stands than mounted to the wall.

Mac bought the DV52's for that reason, and later found out the 52's aren't that small either, and was sorry he didn't get the 62's as center surrounds. Mac uses a 62CLRs as his center channel in his HT system.

The system will sound excellent with movies. Since movies are dynamic, he may even want to keep the speakers without the mods for those crash scenes. He can always pop off a woofer and mail them (crossovers) in for modding. I'd recommend he try them 'as is' first.

Don't forget the Acoustechs. Nice finish, and made for HT. I think the build quality is a little better with the Venturi line - check the weight of the towers as comparison. One other positive on the Acoustechs - the surrounds look better mounted on walls compared with the huge Venturi's.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Thanks for the comments Buck. Mac, any reason you didn't get the father-in-law an SVS???

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