Did a side-by-side the other day..
After watching/ reading lots of HT-75 posts over the last 2-3 months, I decided to take matters into my own hands concerning Acoustech HT-75 v. Klipsch reference. I'm considering these speakers, but don't want to make an error that would require me to purchase and return 2 large speakers at a total round-trip shipping cost of close to $200.
So I purchased 1 HT-75 off ebay last month for a reasonable amount, took the speaker to my excellent local independent A/V retailer, and had them hook the speaker up next to Klipsch RF-35, RF-25, RF-15 and the bookshelf RB-25. We unhooked the left side channel speakers, so I could compare all these together via their speaker selector panel. All were driven by an Integra AV receiver and Integra DVD.
The manager left me alone with my CDs, and after an hour or so, this is what I've concluded:
Audiophile Audition got it wrong, IMHO. The Acoustechs are fine speakers, very similar in tonal balance and sensitivity to Klipsch, but the RF-25's and the RF-35's were clearly superior in all ways. Better impact, cleaner & clearer highs. Bass on the 25's & the 35's was tighter, deeper. The sound from the Klipsch was "fuller"; the Acoustechs seemed a bit narrower in perceived width of soundstage. They WERE very competitive, maybe even better, than the base model RF-15's but I even preferred the bookshelf RB-25 over the Acoustechs. AuAud mentioned the excellent bass of the HT-75's compared to the Klipschs, but clearly the Klipsch floorstanders were better in that regard to the Acoustech floorstanders.
The main drawback to the Acoustech HT-75's was the rolled-off highs. While the horn-loaded tweeter had excellent dynamics and mid-treble, on very high frequencies there was something missing, detail that the Klipsch tweets were able to resolve. I was able to get the Acoustech's closer by boosting the treble control, but that upset the rest of the frequency balance
I think that the Acoustech HT-75 are great bargains at their price, and possibly a fine choice for many. But i would personally spend the extra money and go for the Klipsc RF-25's, and plan to do so.