<P><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><A href="http://www.audioholics.com/news/pressreleases/BGRadiaR18speakers.php"><IMG style="WIDTH: 34px; HEIGHT: 100px" alt=[BGR17iSilver1] hspace=10 src="http://www.audioholics.com/news/thumbs/BGR17iSilver1_th.jpg" align=left border=0></A>Bohlender-Graebener launched two new models of applications loudspeakers that feature their patented planar ribbon technology. The
Radia R-18i and R-17i are on-wall speakers with planar ribbon drivers that can be used for a wide variety of installations including home theater and multi-room audio. Packaged singly, and priced at $499.50 each MSRP, the R-18i and R-17i will be available in choice of Black or Silver and are now shipping. The R-18i is a two-way on-wall design featuring a 4” woofer, 4” passive radiator and Neo8PDR wide band planar ribbon driver that delivers wide horizontal dispersion. Like its sibling, the R-17i is an on-wall applications loudspeaker featuring BG’s patented planar ribbon hf driver. The R-17i is a two-way design with twin 4” woofers, two 4” passive radiators and a fixed Neo3PDR ribbon tweeter.</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Arial size=2>[
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